Mystical Truths Podcast
Welcome to Mystical Truths Podcast.
A show about how the core truths of life can unlock the relief and ease we all want. No fluff. Just honest, relaxed talks about "the stuff of life", intuition, happiness, calming your mind, life now, life after life, LOA, your inner being, and so much more.
Hosted by Rebecca Troup, an accomplished teacher and intuitive life coach.
In each episode, Rebecca shares life-changing insights, stories, and guidance about why we are here and how to navigate this big world. She invites questions from guests and all who are curious.
In this accelerated time of change and conflicting information, the truths really can set you free! Let's unlock your world.
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Mystical Truths Podcast
Conditioned Beliefs with Guest Tansy Brucker
Listen in as Tansy shares her insightful thoughts and questions about how we can be conditioned by others to believe what may or may not be in agreement with our own personal truth.
Embark on an exploration of the delicate interplay between spirituality and Catholicism. We confront the possibilities of blending traditional religious beliefs with modern spiritual practices, questioning if tarot cards and crystals have a place alongside the divine. Our candid discussion peels back layers of fear and conditioning, inviting you to consider whether faith and intuition can intertwine without conflict.
Tansy and I offer insights into retraining the brain for positivity and emotional well-being. We also celebrate the memory of those who've passed, suggesting that joy can be found in remembrance, transcending the sorrow often associated with what many see as loss.
Concluding our exchange, Tansy and I share the concept of co-creating our reality with a higher power coupled with an emphasis on intentional thinking. Join us for a session that promises to shift perspectives, turning daily setbacks into opportunities for personal evolution and a deeper appreciation for the journey of life.
Emotional Guidance Scale credit goes to
Esther Hicks translates foolproof guidance from a group of souls she refers to as Abraham.
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Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
for the music. Much appreciated!
Welcome to the Mystical Truths podcast. This is Rebecca and I'm really glad you're here. Let's unlock your world. In this episode, I'll be talking with Tansy Brooker. Tansy has studied some tarot with me. She recently attended the Intuition Development series I taught on Zoom. She's smart, she's curious and she's one of my favorite humans, so I'm happy to have her on the show. It sounds like I just sold you into like a dating show.
Speaker 2:That's sort of like an intro to a dating show and Tansy is single right now.
Speaker 1:If any of you, welcome to the show, keep me in mind.
Speaker 2:Thank you, what an introduction. So you have some questions. You have some things on your mind. I have a lot. Yeah, I do. I feel like every time I talk to you there's a lot of interesting topics and conversations every time and what you say always sticks with me and then, of course, I think about it and then I have like, wait a second, is this how this works? Or I always think of more questions.
Speaker 2:I think right now, but this time of year I have a few questions about like I was raised Catholic and I feel like as long as I've known you and really just as long as I've kind of like transitioned into like the more adult phase of my life, of this conflict of you know being Catholic, believing in God, you know like just religious and then being spiritual, and you know kind of using more of like a logical thinking, of like science-based and evidence-based thinking and you know, obviously talking with you and having you know just like the universe and like greater intelligence, and I always feel so conflicted and then, especially being a parent with Bryson, of like I was raised Catholic, I'm raising him Catholic, I'm sending him to CCD. It's our favorite time of year, it's Lent, you know. So we're not eating meat on Fridays and I feel like, with God, okay, we believe God, we believe in greater intelligence, we believe in the universe planting this, and then it leads into all those other stuff, like tarot. So it's like if you wanted to believe in both, could there be a way like God doing things? Yeah, I did some tarot with you. It's super interesting, I love it. It's a way to get some guidance.
Speaker 2:And you know, being Catholic, like my mom, it's like those are so bad, so bad devil, bad voodoo, bad juju, whatever you want to call it, and it's like one. I agree with you, where there's no evil, there's no devil, there's no anything to be scared of, especially, you know, with these like taboo topics for, like some of the religious people. But could it be? It's like, well, we want to believe that God's doing this. Well, could God be the one that those cards like that's? You know what I mean with crystals. Like God made Christ, if God made the universe of God, made earth, then God made crystals. So maybe, if this amethyst makes you calm, couldn't God have made this amethyst, knowing that it could help calm people?
Speaker 1:Well, it's really funny that people could think otherwise, because if we truly believe that source or God or whatever word we want to give, that created and is creating everything that we know of, how could that be otherwise? If God creates a crystal, there's purpose to it and there's variety that's created because we want to have different interests.
Speaker 1:We want to have different desires. You know, if we all came here and did the same thing and wanted the same thing, how could eternity be eternal? We'd be thinking the same things. There would be no new stuff thought up or done. And you know, my brother used to have a t-shirt. He's very smart and when we were I don't know, maybe teenagers, maybe a little younger he had this t-shirt that said I refuse to have a battle of the wits with an unarmed person. And I loved that because I thought that really makes sense, especially like with tarot, what you just said about tarot. How can anybody that has never studied tarot truly talk about it?
Speaker 1:and have an opinion about it, because if you really study tarot, you would find out there's nothing bad in it. It's all just teachings of how life works, the motions that we go through in life. There's no bad cards in the deck. It's a really wonderful way to learn how life unfolds and how we can navigate and utilize the guidance that's available to us. But if somebody just hears from their church or whatever that tarot is bad, well they just assume that must be true, and especially in the Catholic religion, because fear is injected early, it's taught deeply, you know, just like.
Speaker 1:I know your dad hasn't been to church for a long time, but he still cannot bring himself to eat meat on Friday during lunch because it's so grained into him.
Speaker 1:Every religion has really good stuff at its core but if we're being honest and we really look at it, they've taken the good idea and put control and fear and crap all over it and oftentimes we start conditioning children very young. I remember somebody saying he was like in second grade when the nuns came in or whatever. They were talking about the devil and hell and it just traumatized him yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean, I'm a grown adult, I'm 30 years old and I still, I mean, as long as I've known you, I've been so interested, like I've said, like the tarot and just the spiritual, just understanding how the world works and, like you said, just like eternal life and all these beautiful, beautiful things. And you know, my first question had to be God because, like you said, like my mom, first of all, extremely Catholic CCD teacher, the whole nine there's still this part of me that is actually traumatized, petrified, whatever word you want to use scared, that like what if there is a God? What if I go to hell for not believing? And then I have to try to like, almost like, trick my brain into like well, yeah, like tarot spine, there's nothing bad in it and you know God is leading it, or these crystals are cool and well, god, made of muscle, and I still have to find a way to like bring God into it.
Speaker 2:Because I'm so scared of like what if you know? What if I'm wrong? What if there is a hell? And I go there because you know I did what up, like I, I did tarot cards or I did this or that, like there's, there's a spear there and I can't seem to shake it, no matter how old I get, which is kind of crazy to say out loud, but definitely what I find myself doing, even like subconsciously sometimes I've met a lot of people that call themselves recovering Catholics, and what they mean by that is these things were instilled in my brain for so long, starting at an early age.
Speaker 1:I'm having a hard time untangling that, because you get to a point where you think okay, so if God loves everyone and has created everyone, how could it be that God created crap that God now doesn't like and is, why has this one angel that's powerful enough to do things that God says you shouldn't do and hold souls when we wait a minute, god's all powerful. Well, if God's all powerful, then how's that angel getting away with that? And why would God say yes, you're bad, so sorry, you go there and I'll just forget about you, but wait, god's all loving. You can see how, in these teachings, people have been taught judgment. God loves everybody except that person and that person and that person. God created everything except that, that, that and that. And if you do what we say and you follow the rules that we have put together, then you're going to be forever loved and adored. But if you go against any of the things that we've decided just we, we've decided, because there are other groups that have decided other things that are different than what we've decided. So who's right? And that's something that you know.
Speaker 1:Early on I was going to different churches. We were Presbyterian, but there were Catholic churches and Greek churches and Methodists all around and so I was curious. So I would go with my friends and I would sit and I would listen and I would think is anybody really paying attention to what they're saying here? Because it doesn't really make sense. And then you go to another church and they have a similar basis but different roles, and there's nine choirs of angels in this religion, there's twelve in this one. And I'm thinking who is right? And so early on I really started to question what is really true here, because we can't say there are nine choirs or there are twelve and be correct, because those are two different numbers and we can't really say God loves everyone but we'll damn those to hell. And people say things like when somebody dies, well, god takes the good ones.
Speaker 1:That didn't make any sense to me, and so I thought there has to be more to this and this is what we're experiencing now on a grander scale is people were questioning and going hold on a minute. What we've just been regurgitating for years, we're realizing now doesn't make sense. We have scientific proof behind the things that I'm teaching, if you go to.
Speaker 1:Vatican City, you'll notice that there's not much about Jesus there. There's a whole lot of wealth and items from all different points on the planet, different religions. It's all facade and I'm not saying that people shouldn't go along with what they feel good about in religion. If it lights up for you, if it feels good for you, by all means that's part of your journey. But there are a lot of us that are going. We're just paying attention a little more. We're not just saying, oh, because you said and because they've been saying for a while. I mean, if you look at the Bible, even the Bible isn't accurate. It's been rewritten and re-translated. And what happens when somebody translates something? They put their sort of take on it.
Speaker 1:This is what I believe it's supposed to say and you know that the story, if I tell you a little story and you tell somebody, and you tell somebody, by the time it gets to 20 people, it's a different story.
Speaker 1:And so there have been parts of the original teachings that were taken out because people, for a long time, have been on this control thing, this brute mentality and control way of living, and I get where it's sort of how it evolved to that, because back in the day, a long time ago, people didn't. They wanted answers to certain things, but they weren't allowing the correct answers in, and so they were wanting to control each other. They were wanting to answer some of the deeper questions, so people just came up with some stuff, basically, and said, okay, well, we believe that there's a something God. And when people said, okay, so why do bad things happen, though? Like why did that person's husband die and mine didn't? And they said, well, because you know, god decides when people die. And people had questions like why do people do bad things and what do we do about that? Oh well, there's a devil, see, and if you do bad things, you're tempted by that devil and you're going to go live with that devil, so don't do bad things.
Speaker 1:It was a way to like, kind of answer questions that they really didn't have good enough answers to, while wanting to control the masses. So we can control all of these people by telling them that there's this higher power that we are connected to. That we got some answers from and these are the rules and this is what happens if you don't play along with this and if you get too out of line. Well, now you're damned. And it kind of it looks sort of clean to people up in a sense, where they thought, okay, well, we better behave and do what we're told and not go to hell, not be tempted, and guilt was seeping in and this fear was seeping in. So now people feel guilty about you.
Speaker 1:Know, people have been made to feel guilty about money and about wealth. Don't get above your raising, they say. And so how does that really make any sense? If the church has a massive amount of money, that's okay and you should give some of your money to the church. But don't you have a whole lot? Don't you prosper? Well, some of you can. And how do we take a lot of money from the mafia and say that's okay when we know full well what they're doing?
Speaker 1:That went on for years.
Speaker 1:There are beautiful churches right around me. One down at the bottom of the hill from where I live is gorgeous. That was bankrolled by the mafia and I'm probably getting trouble for saying that, but everybody knows it. And so those are the things that made me question like, okay, what are we doing? You know, I remember a woman that I knew who was Catholic, who they all believed that you know gambling was, you shouldn't gamble and stuff like that. She was a bookie. She was a bookie and I thought so how does that work? When you're at church, you don't gamble and you be a good person, but then when you're home, you could like be a bookie and there are other people in the church that would call numbers into her. Now, I don't care if people gamble or not, but I'm just going along with what they said.
Speaker 2:How do?
Speaker 1:we make these rules and then just go. Well, it doesn't really apply to me or to some of us.
Speaker 2:And I think that's where to like the hypocrisy of it all, like the I think that's you know and, like you said, it's just another thing that makes you open your eyes of. Like my mother, who, obviously, once again, very Catholic we have. She has one of her first cousins, is gay and he has a partner and he's just overwhelmingly just a sweet person and great guy, just kind hearted, all of that. But we're Catholic and he was raised Catholic. And if you ask my mom, you know how she feels about gay marriage or you know the LGBTQIA plus community or anything like that, well, I'm Catholic and we don't, we don't agree with that. She loves her cousin. And if you were to say you know, well, what about your cousin? She always has a different excuse well, not, not him, not him, we're not talking about him.
Speaker 2:We're talking about him and it's like no, if you're talking about this community and he's a member of that community, he would be included in that. But it's almost like no, not me, no, not my family, no, just over here, like, look over here. Or yes, no, we're not allowed to do this in the church, but you know me doing this here and it's and it's just very like you said. It's just like this this isn't lining up, this isn't adding up, this isn't, this isn't making sense.
Speaker 1:Exactly. You know we can't really say then that say, for example, like you said, being gay is against the church, but because I know this person and I love this person, well, it doesn't apply to them like it's okay, they can be gay, we just don't.
Speaker 1:We'll just try not to talk about it and make a big deal out of it, or if we want to go with that. God created and is creating everyone. So what is there? This God that goes oh crap, did I make that one gay? Yeah, what did I? How did I do that? Like, well, you know that's wrong, so try not to be gay. Okay, just try not to do that. That doesn't even make any sense and that's why you know the things that.
Speaker 1:I've studied through the years, make sense, you know, because the basis of even tarot or spirituality is that, yeah, there's a source of intelligence that we can't totally define or understand at this point, but we all feel it inside us that it's there and we're a part of that and we, when we connect with that, what do we feel? We feel? Love, unconditional love, really, and acceptance and everything. I've never felt anything negative. I've never felt afraid once. I started learning enough to not feel afraid. So, you know, when you connect with all of this, there it's all good, it's all free, loving, it's it's, you know. You start to understand that, yeah, everybody gets to live this life however they choose to, and that's okay. And if you don't like it, don't look at it because it's none of your business your life is your own business, you know.
Speaker 1:So if somebody, if on their journey through this life, they want to do this for a living and then do that for a living, and then do that for a living and then do that for a living people say what's wrong with you? Can't you find something that you like and just stick with it, when all of creation is saying, sure, sample, that sample, that sample, that isn't that fun. Look at all that variety. You just enjoy yourself. There's no rule that says you have to come here and do one thing. But then there are other people that come and find something that they love to do and they do it for their whole adult life. There's no problem with that either. We get to do this anyway. We want to. We're so.
Speaker 1:They tell us that we're so free that we can, and often do, choose limitation and bondage and suffering and fear.
Speaker 1:And what fear and all of that other stuff says to me is you're not really connected with your God or your source. Because the more disconnected there's no real disconnection, but that's just the best word I can find when we're further away from our relationship with our inner self, our inner being, all of creation, god, the more distracted we get here in this world and in all the rules and regulations and baloney that people have thought up, the more we get involved in that and the more we get distracted by that and the less we stay connected with who we really are, the more uncomfortable it gets, the more difficult it gets and then we start making up our own goofy rules, you know, and then we wonder why this doesn't work out and this doesn't work out, and why do I feel uncomfortable? Why do I feel anxious? Why am I depressed? Why am I angry with people or why do I try to control people?
Speaker 1:You know, people start wondering all those different things. That's why. That's why it's a very simple answer. It's not because life is happening to any of us, it's not because train wrecks happen and what are you going to do. It's because we synchronize, we have free will. We're so free that we can come into this world of contrast and just make it painful.
Speaker 2:You gave me a while ago a paper. What is it? It's like the emotional scale. It's like a scale where you go up to different levels.
Speaker 2:I feel like, with what you're saying, with this contrast, and you wouldn't know how beautiful life was if there wasn't something to compare it to, in a sense. But I feel like sometimes that negative stuff is a lot, I want to say, stickier. I love your analogy the highway, when we're cruising, and the left side is everything we love and it's beautiful and it's happiness and it's just everything great. Then in that right lane maybe it's the stuff that makes you sad and the things that aren't so great and things we don't necessarily like as much. You can cruise back and forth into those lanes, but I feel like and you've said before too the more you spend in that right lane, the harder it is to pull yourself back into that left lane. There's just more and more potholes and nails in the road that are giving you flat tires and this. That I feel like the negative stuff it definitely is easier to stick to.
Speaker 2:That was one of my questions too, what I've been focusing with, and especially in the intuition class. It's a little different than being intuitive, but what you talked about, that I've been really trying to focus on is almost like retraining my brain, because I myself I feel like I struggle with depression, I struggle with anxiety. Just saying that right there, though, I just caught myself like I struggle with these things Instead of I struggle with this. I feel like that, right there, that's keeping you down. So it's I'm working on, I'm trying to be more positive and retraining your brain to get into that left lane. But maybe if you had any more tips on just like, like I said, I feel like the negative can be so sticky and how to kind of unstick your souls from the bad stuff and get over to the good stuff more easily, maybe Well, yeah, because it's just habit.
Speaker 1:It's just a habit is a thought you keep thinking. So if you keep thinking thoughts that feel better, they will become your habit. The negative stuff is just so we're so quick, we can be so quick to go for it, and then again, and then again, because it's in our face. It's usually more dramatic and it's a habit. But the good stuff and the, the connection with yourself and with life, is way, way, way, way better and just as habit forming and can be your go to. So what I would suggest is, instead of saying I'm trying to be more positive and I'm often in the opposite lane that I want to be in say to yourself I am being more positive, I'm not trying to, I am being more positive and I don't suffer from depression and anxiety. Sometimes I get depressed and sometimes I have anxiety. Do you see the relief in that?
Speaker 1:When you say, you say you and we've been taught to use those words. I suffer from this, I suffer from that. Well, now you own it and now you're dragging it with you everywhere you go and you're going to keep running into it.
Speaker 1:And for everybody out there. The two lane analogy is I'll go just run through it quickly and it doesn't matter which lane is the positive one and the negative one. Usually, when I teach it, the right lane is the nice, happy lane and the left lane is the crappy lane. It doesn't matter which is which In your mind, it just has to make sense Basically you're, you're a born of swirling ball of energy and you're going down this lane of life no gas pedal, no steering wheel. What dictates where you're at on this road is what you're giving your attention to, what you believe, what you expect, what you talk about, the story you tell all of that. So you're born in the happy lane. One side is everything you love and want, just you specifically, because that's different for all of us. The other lane is all the stuff you don't like and you don't want. Both lanes were intended to be there. We wanted both lanes. We still want both lanes. They're both useful.
Speaker 1:Neither one is truly something you shouldn't experience, but the happy lane, the good feeling lane, is the one you want to be in most often, because you live in a world of contrast. Something's going to get your attention and at that moment you're gliding over into the unwanted lane. So when you're in the unwanted lane, you get unwanted things and the longer you stay there, the harder it becomes, and the more of it you get. So the more negativity you talk about. The more you look at, even watch TV shows that are negative or scary or whatever, the more you're giving your attention to anything that could be in that lane, the more you're getting of it. Because when you put your brain on a thought for 16 to 17 seconds, something like that thought is now another thought like it is being created and another thought like it, and when you get to around the 68 seconds, the unseeable things in your energy field are starting to move in that direction and things are being created that equal that 68 seconds.
Speaker 1:So, and I guarantee you most people, when they get up in the morning, by the time they get out of bed and head to the bathroom, we'll say they've already thought two or three, four or five minutes of things that aren't going to help them that day and then they just go on with it and go on with it. So they're already in the left lane or the right lane, whichever they're in the unhappy lane. So it's okay to catch yourself in that unhappy lane the undesirables, the not wanted Just say to yourself oh, I'm in there, okay, now I know what I want to think about. Now I know the opposite or the alternative that I can think about, and so I'm just going to go ahead and think about that stuff because I can control my thoughts, like I can think on purpose. So the more you do that, the easier it becomes and the more it becomes your new nature.
Speaker 2:I was having a conversation with my dad. He, my uncle Tom, had passed away and now it's his little brother. You know he still thinks about him a lot, and you'll catch him talking about him and then he'll bring up, he'll be like. You know, she doesn't get tired If anyone dies. It's like a, it's a celebration, and isn't that? Isn't that just absurd that I don't like that. She thinks that because, you know, I, I miss him and I'm sad and and and it's.
Speaker 2:It's almost like, in that you know bad lane, like like you said, it's it's like you're stuck there and it's like he can't even think of the opposite, to get over into another lane, and it's like he, he wants to be sad and I tell him I'm like but what in that? You know what a great way to live, though, and isn't that so nice, um? Isn't that just such a nice way to live that you know we think of the good things and you think about you know what made you happy with your brother, and you think about him being happy now, and you know he's not sad, you know he's, he's great and and you know he's here and you know you can, and he thinks that's absolutely right. Every day is oh, yeah, he's here, oh, and I can talk to him. I'm like, oh, but you can, and he's talking with you.
Speaker 2:The fact that you're even thinking about him, you know is, is what I believe is him being here with you. Like you know, you don't just randomly thinking up and a reason either. You know, and they mean, like you guys are, you guys are still connected and um, but I feel, I feel like sometimes it's just so. It's just such a contract that people struggle with and it's almost like you're taught to be sad. You have to be sad and kind of thinking the opposite of that, of no, it's okay to, we can sell it. I, I that's one thing I admire about you the most, too is like no, we, I celebrate life. You'll never be sad that you know I'm not here or what this.
Speaker 1:In this physical being, in this physical realm, I'm not, I'm not here because, you know, in the non physical we're always and I I can't remember exactly what you said it's like part of us focuses in this physical part, but there's so much of us like elsewhere and we're always around and it's really, it's beautiful and it's happy and we shouldn't have to be sad, and I try to explain that to them, but you know, again, he's been conditioned not just by the church but by other people, that that's how we honor somebody and it's almost like a martyr kind of a thing, where if we miss them and we're sad and we remember the good times and that makes us more sad because they're not here, we're, we're sort of, you know, we're loving them, we're showing how much love we had, and it's not a conscious thing, I think.
Speaker 1:It's like a background thought that we've just. It's just like a tape that runs back there. And if we would just realize, does he really think that Tommy is still alive and in spirit, wanting him to be depressed and upset and sad? Does he really think that that's what Tommy wants for him? And I know for sure, if your dad had passed and Tommy was still here, or any of us, you, your brother, your dad would he wouldn't do it now. So we know he certainly wouldn't do it after he passes because he's, we're all more in our full self at that point. None of the negativity is there. You know your dad would be wanting joy and happiness and adventure and love for you.
Speaker 1:He would want you to go on he would not want you to suffer because he is no longer physically here.
Speaker 1:He would not want that for you, and that's true with everybody. So how do we honor the person that we knew here, that we love? We remember the good times, we celebrate the life that they had, even if we didn't agree with all of it, even if it wasn't as pretty as it could have been. So people say, you know, so it was tough, so we could look at anybody and say, oh well, you could have done better. That's not true. We can't live through somebody else's perspective. We're all doing the best we can with what's in us at any given moment and that's always changing. And that's how you get to a place of non-judgment. We're all free to do this journey However we want to. It's not wrong, but it's often very different than how that person would see it and how that person would have done it and whatever. So when we recognize that, yeah, this person had a life and I loved him and I can celebrate the fact that that happened.
Speaker 1:I celebrate what I think happened, like he's dead and gone and blah blah. Why give attention to that when I can celebrate the time that we did spend together here and the fun that we had, and then wish him well, whatever he's up to now, and just honor that love and celebrate what was and what still is? Actually, because you're right at that, when we're celebrating that and we're recognizing, I don't know, am I thinking of you because you thought of me first, because he can do that. He's not even a he right. So that's of course. That's why we think of them, because they're thinking of us. They're directing their energy our way, but they're not going to come and burn a bush and say here I am, please be happy.
Speaker 1:They're sending that thought all the time. But they're not going to interfere to that extent because there's a process we have here and we're just. We can be stubborn people and your dad is stubborn.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:He's very lovable, but he's stubborn, and so, you know, we can lock ourselves into uncomfortableness, into lack of freedom, lack of all kinds of things, just because we think that's how it is. We'll say, well, this is my reality, see, and all of creation is saying, yeah, but you know, you're free, you are allowed to think any way you want to. And it does make a difference. And we do have scientific proof. Now we put electrodes on the brain, we do chemistry and hormone tests to see what is actually happening when people think in the unhappy lane and when people think in the happy lane. What's the difference? What's happening inside the body? And we see such difference in how the brain is firing and where the brain is firing and what's happening with the hormones and the chemistry of the body. We see it, it's provable and it's been for a while now. So that's why I like to get the word out, because I do like I follow what feels true to me, but I like the scientific proof too Well.
Speaker 2:I have a question about that too, when we were talking about the depression and the anxiety. So depression, because the one thing my guy says all the time which also gets me going is if I say, you know, I'm depressed, I'm working on depression, whatever I'm struggling with, however I say it and he goes what do you have to be depressed about? And oh, that just brands my gear, says it's just like, it's not like. Oh, this one thing made me sad and now I'm sad. It's just, you know, and if you're in therapy and I have a therapist and a PCP and all these doctors, they tell you that the depression is a chemical imbalance in your brain.
Speaker 2:So it's not this thing that made you sad, but it's my brain is different. There's this, you know, maybe you need a pill to balance the salad or whatever, but supposedly you know depression, anxiety, these things. It's a chemical imbalance in your brain and it's just, my brain is different than your brain. So if depression is a chemical imbalance, is there? Is it really just easy to think of things in the happy lane and get over to the happy lane, or is my brain different and maybe I need a medication or maybe I need something to give me the chemicals that you know make me happier, like what is? Can it be both?
Speaker 1:Well, my opinion, according to what I've learned and of course I'm not a medical doctor, so I wouldn't tell anybody to take or not take a medication but what I can tell you is, yes, we can prove that your brain, your structure, your stuff will change the more you think about depressing things. And again, it takes time. This doesn't happen right off the bat when you're born. So brains are different in that sense, because you've stayed in that unhappy lane more. You've just paid attention to things, you've been taught things, you've been ingrained with ways of thinking that are against your true nature. And when that happens, yes, your body changes, but that doesn't mean you were meant to be like that, or you came in born different and just wired to be depressed.
Speaker 1:We all have it in us to be at least good, gooder, goodest, and we vary, we wobble around in all this, and this is why we have to understand too, with these two lanes, the undesirable lane is a welcome lane. We can't be looking at the things we don't like or we don't want, or we think we didn't invite into our lives, and calling them bad and whoa is me, it happened to me and what the hell? We have to be willing to say where's the honey in this, though I don't like it. I don't have to like it and I'm certainly not staying here, but I am right in the middle of some stuff that I don't like, and that's why I tell people if you're depressed, okay, be depressed. Say to yourself okay, right now I'm depressed, I don't suffer from depression.
Speaker 1:Right now I'm depressed. There's relief in that, because otherwise you're going. I'm depressed, oh damn it, I shouldn't be. What am I going to do? What am I going to do? I'm depressed. It's my brain. I can't help it. There's no power in that. That feels terrible, and it should, because it's not true. When something feels bad, sources not agreeing.
Speaker 1:So when you think, okay, I don't have a different brain because I'm just born that way. I have a different brain for now, maybe because I've just been taught to stay in that unhappy lane a lot, and I've been taught that whoa is me and shit happens. What are you going to do? And all of that stuff that so many people talk about and so many people give their attention to. No wonder we have so many people medicated. We start kids, we do it to kids Right. So instead and we're getting smarter about this because we're starting to introduce it into schools mindfulness we're finally starting to help the young ones just get in touch with themselves and just spend some minutes in calm.
Speaker 1:That way, they're just bringing it home and then go have your day and then go take your test and then go on the playground and watch how much less bullying happens. So it's great that we're and I hope we continue to do this more and more, and that's why people like me are getting the words out that we're ready to hear, like you don't have to suffer, and that's why that emotional guidance scale and if anybody wants it, it's from the Abraham. Go to Abraham-hickscom. You'll probably be able to find it on there. If not, let me know and I'll go get you a copy of it. But this is straight from source and this is where source or God tells us it's okay.
Speaker 1:If you're in, maybe hatred or rage, those who guide us tell us we are not going to take you from hatred and rage to optimism in one jump. It's too big of a jump. You can't go from being really angry or hating to being, you know, smiley faces and happy, because we've all been there, We've all been very mad and if somebody says, oh, come on, just celebrate your life, think of the happy, get in that happy lane, you can't hear those words. You don't even want to look at that person. You can't do it right now because it's too big of a jump. But you have been there. You've been the person who says just get in that other happy lane. You've been that person. But now, right now, you're the mad person, you're the very angry person. So source tells us we don't try to just throw you up into happy. We're smarter than that. When you're in complete rage, feeling like I just want to just beat the world up, gives you just a teeny bit of relief. Doesn't mean you go do that. But then you're like okay, now I'm just, I'm angry. I'm angry because things aren't going the way I want them to go. And then they're going to just sweetly bring you into, maybe, discouragement. Things aren't going the way. I want them to go because I don't, life just happens, I don't have any choices. And then they'll take you into blame. Well, it's not working because it's my mother's fault, it's my father's fault, it's the school's fault, it's society's, it's a government's fault. You start blaming because that feels better than putting it on your shoulders. Now it's everybody else's fault. Now, that's still not correct and it's still not happy. But you're getting there. So they'll take you into worry and then into doubt and maybe into just feeling overwhelmed, into frustration, into some pessimism, into some hopefulness, into some optimism, then some positive expectation. It just goes up from there.
Speaker 1:When anybody is maybe feeling worried, think to yourself okay, I'm in that undesirable lane at the moment. I'm worrying, and actually worry is creating. This is what worry is. Worry is creating a reality that you don't want. That's all that is. So say I'm worried right now. This is probably a waste of my time. I'm probably creating something that I'm not going to like. Just saying that alone is giving you some relief, because now you're starting to think oh, that's right, I have control. I can worry right now, which is going to just put more energy into what I don't want, and I'm going to start getting some of that. Or I can take the real control that I have and I can think a different thought. I can go into the what ifs. Well, what if? What's something that you worry about With your, maybe your son, or your job, or yeah, I mean everything.
Speaker 2:I feel like I'm worrying a lot. Definitely my son. I feel like having a kid is really having your heart live outside your body. You love someone so much. You want your kid to never have to cry or feel sad or you just want absolute joy and perfection for their life. So, yeah, seeing you know, is everyone going to be nice to them at school today and are they going to do well in their tests? Are they going to do? I feel like everything. You know my son. He's a big athlete and he loves sports and wrestling season just ended for us. But you know, every time he had a match, it's just is he, is he going to be okay, is he going to? Is he going to get hurt? You want him to win and you want him to be strong and you want him to be confident, and you know just just everything. Yeah, I feel like I worry about every aspect of his life. I'm worried about.
Speaker 1:So keep in mind when you worry about him like that you're not helping him. You're offering the energy of worry. He feels it whether you say the words or not, and that takes away some of his confidence, self value and worth, and it's part of that conditioning. And so what if? What if I can look at my son the way source looks at my son? What if it's really helpful that he falls down once in a while?
Speaker 2:What if every?
Speaker 1:time he loses. It makes him a little smarter about it, a little more understanding of how he wants to win. What if I don't go rescue him all the time? Because I kind of figured out the source isn't doing that for us either, Did you ever notice that when you're having a real bad day, that there are no angels or beings or whatever that appear around you go. You know, Tansy, we're just going to take this away for you.
Speaker 1:You have free will you have all the guidance is there, but you have free will not to take it or listen to it or even believe it exists, which makes life hard. So have thoughts instead about what? What if Bryson does really well tonight? What if the ups and downs or the left lane, the right lane, the left lane, the right lane that's helping him grow, it's helping him know himself better, it's helping him expand. We want both lanes. We just don't want to stay and return and return and return and return to the unhappy, the unwanted lane.
Speaker 1:But when we worry about people we're assuming they're going to go in there. So we're kind of helping them go in there. We're helping them go in the unwanted lane, which isn't really helping them Right. It's an assistance to what we don't want. Give this energy to your son. Think to yourself. I have every bit of confidence that he is as well guided as we all are, and then if I help him find ease because I'm helping myself find ease he's going to be able to navigate this life better. He won't kick up things that are going to be hurtful to him as often. He's going to have a smoother ride. But none of us came in here just to coast. We came in to get in here and get into the contrast. We have had experiences that we can look back on and go. Oh God, I can't believe I did that.
Speaker 2:But didn't that make us?
Speaker 1:wiser. Didn't that make us more clear about how we want?
Speaker 1:to do things in a better way or in a nicer way or a way that feels better just to us, you know. So this is how we learn compassion and unconditional love and trust, because when we're doubting that things can go well, we're not trusting the God that we say loves us and is guiding us. If we truly trust creation, if we trust the intelligence that we call source or God, then why would we ever worry? What would there be to worry about? Because when you have that kind of trust, you know life is always working out for you, you know the potential for that is there and you know that you have free will and you're calling the shots. So I say to myself my life is what I say it is, and we've proven that in science too. So my life is what I say it is. So if my life is difficult, if my life is depressed, if it's anxious, yeah, it's because I keep saying it is.
Speaker 1:But I can say something else. I can tell a different story, because literally the story that you tell all of creation by your thoughts and expectations is the life that you're going to have, and you want to always make it present tense. So when you're saying he's doing well right now I'm more positive. Right now I'm having a happier life, even if it's just a little bit teeny bit happier. Every day I'm having a happier life. My life is more what I want it to be every day.
Speaker 1:This is getting more interesting to watch. So when you're saying things like that, you're feeling it with your heart, you're thinking it with your brain. So now you have brain-heart coherence working together. That has so much power in it. And the funny thing is people are already doing that. It's nothing new. People were thinking and feeling things like fear and doubt and life isn't working out and the government's crap. People were feeling it and thinking it. Do you know how much power is in that? You know, even when it goes to the world at large. Don't worry about this world and the people on the planet and the animals and anything else.
Speaker 2:Well, and I feel like, like you said, just like the world as a whole, us as a society, us as people, I feel like we even get stuck. If you think about the narrative, like if I were to say you know, the first few things that come to mind are like the world is a scary place, like waiting until you get on into that world and don't, trust and don't, and you think of all the stuff instead of the world is such a beautiful place and you know, sit and look at the snow. Today I was. I was looking out the window and there's just huge clumps of sun just standing there and it's. It's just like how beautiful is this?
Speaker 2:But instead of like go buy toilet paper, you're not going to be able to drive the salt, the roads are bad Instead of sitting there and being like, wow, the snow is so beautiful and this can be a beautiful snow day and maybe I can take my son out and we could do a snowball fight, it's scary and it's oh no that I've seen so many things about. Dang groundhog told me spring was coming. What is this? This is horrible, and it's like a people. The world's a scary place and it's like is it or is the world a beautiful place? I definitely, like you said, I feel like more people we can get society to say the world is such a beautiful place Instead of the world can be a scary place. I wonder where we, where we could be.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because we're taught you know well. I mean, you just have to be careful. The world's a big place, bad things happen, and that variety is here.
Speaker 1:Whether you live it or not is your choice, and so yes look at the snow and think this crappy snow, or look at the snow and see the beauty in the snow. It's a conscious decision to live your life more in one lane than the other, and we have the power to decide that. We're the only ones that can decide, and people are deciding that every day, whether they realize it or not.
Speaker 1:You know, so there is much more beauty on this planet. There's way more happiness, way more good stuff that's happening than the unwanted. But it's a personal decision where you want to focus and what you want to call reality. So it's a, like I said, it's a personal decision and it's not wrong however we choose. If we choose to keep looking at the negative stuff or the unwanted stuff, we're free enough. That's okay. But why? Why do we do that to ourselves? Why would we want to look at things that are not going to help us? You have to be conscious enough to say to yourself you know what that's not helping me. That's not helping me. It's not helping anybody else. How do I want it to be Again, the world at large. How would you like this world to be? How would you like it to be? Think about that, because now you're putting that energy out there, and that has power. But when you're thinking about how you don't want it to be, you're putting that out there, and that has power too.
Speaker 2:That's another favorite analogy and you'll say it a lot better than me, but that's something I recently changed in my life too is the flat tire, and I was so I didn't realize. Until you said that analogy to me, I didn't realize how negative I was being, just like, not like even like realizing, because it was, yes, I got a flat tire. And then I called my friend Kayla and I told her about this stupid flat tire and I complained to her until she went here and anymore. And then you know what, I'm still angry about this and I'm going to call my friend Jolie, I'm going to tell her can you believe that I have this flat tire? And then I try to call Kayla and she didn't really want to hear it and I'm going to talk to her earfalls off, then I'm going to come inside, I'm going to tell my dad about it and, dad, I was out there on a half and I retold this negative story of this flat tire 17 times and you think that it's, in a way, you think it's going to help, like I just want to bend, I just want to talk about it because it's just so bad.
Speaker 2:I just want it and but it's not helping. And now it's like okay, I had a flat tire. Maybe I did send a picture like, huh, look what happened to me today, but I'm not calling. I used to be on the phone for hours and hours and hours and I thought it was making me feel better, and now it's like I refuse to do that anymore.
Speaker 1:Good, because we think, dumping that pain and that discomfort onto our friends. We do get a little relief from that, but it's a short lived relief and then we feel terrible, and now our friend feels terrible too.
Speaker 1:So for anybody that hasn't heard that little story. It's just an example of how, if you get a flat tire, it's not logical for us to get out and look and go oh I have a flat tire. And take pictures of it, put it on Facebook, call people over to look at it, tell people on the phone and tell them about your flat tire. You're going to complain about it. You're just going to stand there and talk about the flat tire and put it on social media and the tire is not getting fixed. You can't look at the problem and get a solution. The solution is not in the same space or energy as the problem.
Speaker 1:So what do we do? We get out, we see a flat tire. We either call somebody that can help us fix it. We fix it ourselves, we get it fixed a flat. We call AAA, we start walking. If we have no other alternative, we do something to remedy that situation. So why don't we do that with everything else in life? Here's something I noticed a long time ago. I would see something, I don't know. Maybe somebody pulled out in an intersection, just zoomed through the intersection. It could have killed a lot of people, but luckily it didn't. You know that kind of thing. So I find that I would think how I was going to tell that to people before I even started telling it.
Speaker 2:Like look at that just happen.
Speaker 1:And then you find yourself telling the story of how will that happen, because you know you're going to start telling people that I can't wait to get home and tell so-and-so about it and then I tell so-and-so, and all you did was take one moment that didn't hurt anybody, even if it did, even if there was an accident involved.
Speaker 1:You took one moment and you kept regurgitating it back into your life, back into your energy, back into what's coming to you, because, even though it's not related to you, you're still in the energy of bad things that happen.
Speaker 2:You know.
Speaker 1:For years now I've said to my kids or anybody, when they go to leave, go to work or have fun, bye, have fun. And it wasn't maybe about 10 or 11 years ago where I realized that other people say bye, be careful, all right, I'll see you later, be careful. And I mentioned that to somebody and he said well, I, you know, I just there's a lot that can happen out there. I want my kids to be safe, so I tell them to be careful and I said, but you're?
Speaker 1:setting them up for danger. You're programming them to think that bad things happen and you must be careful, because it can happen to you too instead of just saying, hey, have a happy day, and then they be bop along and have a happy day or not, depending on what they're thinking and what they're trying. But at least it gives them that little bit of programming that's in a positive light, versus look out, the other shoe's going to drop. I love that. What if? Then? What if there's not another shoe that drops?
Speaker 1:Because that's what happens when you're in the energy of a life working out for you, when you can repeat to yourself life is always working out for me, there's honey and everything. Even if I don't like it, if I'm willing to look for it, there's honey and everything. When we're willing to say things like that, we get curious about how? Really, how could this be better? I bet you this could be better, and then you start thinking of ways that it could be better, which means that's the energy you're putting out to all of the attractive forces of the universe and you're going to get some versions of that back. You're going to get some essence of that back into your life and life just seems to get easier because it is easier.
Speaker 1:And then what happens sometimes is people will have a bad moment and go oh well, that doesn't work anyway. See, I just had a bad thing. Bad things shouldn't be happening because life's supposed to be working out for me. Instead of saying, I don't know, maybe this is life working out for me too, maybe I'm not off track, maybe this is just something that has some honey in it. I'm just going to be open and maybe see it. So I guarantee all of you out there that if you just find the ease as often as you can with yourself, with your people, with your situations, I'm just going to be easy about this. There's honey and everything. Life is working out well for me now. If you're willing to say things like that to yourself and repeat them and repeat them, and repeat them, they show up. These things show up, life shows up that way for you.
Speaker 2:I saw a really great TikTok not too long ago and it reminds me because you say that and I definitely try to say that to myself all the time Life is always working out for me. Look at this, it's always working out. And I saw this TikTok and it kind of went with that of. I forget exactly how it was raised, but it was like you are undefeated in the things that life has thrown at you. You have won every battle, anything that you thought you weren't going to get over. Look at you, you're here when next time you're sitting there like I don't know what I'm going to do to get through this. I don't know how I'm going to make it through this. Think to yourself you always have, you'll see, undefeated. And what an accomplishment that is.
Speaker 1:Right? Yeah, I totally agree, and it helps too to think I'm not doing this life alone. This is a co-creative process. I'm co-creating my world, my life, my personal situations with God, Source Infinite Intelligence, whatever you want to call it, and everyone else, because everything is so well synchronized.
Speaker 1:So it's just it makes a difference between do we want to have a sad, anxious, worry-filled life? Because we can, and that's okay. Nobody's in any trouble for that. This is because we're talking about unconditional love from Source or we're just as free to decide on purpose, that I want to think on purpose and that life can work out better for me.
Speaker 1:I just didn't know that. So, now that I know it, what do I want to think about? Where do I want to give my attention? How many depressed discussions do I want to get into? How many sad movies do I want to watch? How many people do I want to listen to say, oh, that's a tragedy, or that person died, that's terrible when a soul comes in, has a life and leaves that life. That's the way it works here. Well, I think we could go on all day. Tans, I love talking to you, so we should do this again. I know, right, totally, yeah. So before we sign off, I think it would do the world good if we give a shout out to the man who brought you into this physical life, who loves you unconditionally and has nearly made August 18th a national holiday.
Speaker 2:That's his birthday, for anybody else who might not know that there probably aren't many of you what a great person he is and a shout out to him because he was very excited for us to do this together. So totally you demand George Brocker.
Speaker 1:Oh great, thank you, that was awesome, so lots of love to all of you out there, because isn't fun the best thing to have? This has been fun for me and Tansy today. If you have any questions, if you have any comments, you can find me at mysticaltruthscom.