Mystical Truths Podcast
Welcome to Mystical Truths Podcast.
A show about how the core truths of life can unlock the relief and ease we all want. No fluff. Just honest, relaxed talks about "the stuff of life", intuition, happiness, calming your mind, life now, life after life, LOA, your inner being, and so much more.
Hosted by Rebecca Troup, an accomplished teacher and intuitive life coach.
In each episode, Rebecca shares life-changing insights, stories, and guidance about why we are here and how to navigate this big world. She invites questions from guests and all who are curious.
In this accelerated time of change and conflicting information, the truths really can set you free! Let's unlock your world.
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Mystical Truths Podcast
Smiling Signs of Spiritual Connection to the Other Side
Their son died...then quickly let them know he did not.
When the unexpected strikes a family, the echoes of change reverberate through every aspect of life. Lisa, a mother whose resilience is as palpable as was her sorrow, joins us to recount the journey following her son Matt's sudden passing.
This episode uncovers the surprising ways in which we maintain bonds with those who have transitioned. Lisa shares how smiley faces became more than a simple symbol; they transformed into a bridge connecting her to Matt's enduring presence. Embark on a quest to understand how embracing the present and cherishing eternal connections can lead to healing, as we discuss the importance of recognizing the signs and communications from our loved ones beyond the veil.
Through personal anecdotes and shared experiences, we examine how our intuition can steer us towards a deeper harmony in life. Stories of serendipitous moments and intuitive nudges serve as a reminder that we are enveloped by a stream of support, guiding us towards living with purpose and joy, in honor of those who watch over us. Join us for an episode that promises to touch your heart, challenge your perceptions, and perhaps change the way you engage with the world around you.
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Welcome to the Mystical Truths Podcast. This is Rebecca and I'm really glad you're here. Let's unlock your world. I know many people struggle with death and I get it. It's a big change. It changes a lot, not just the fact that a person is no longer physical here. So many other things are involved and it brings thoughts like how do I go on? How do I know they're really still alive? One of my desires has been to help others go on and to keep their relationship alive if they want to, and that's one of the things I've helped Lisa with over the years. Her son, matt, died suddenly, leaving the family in shock, but it didn't take long before the soul who was Matt started letting them know that life does continue on. So welcome to the show, lisa. Thank you for being open to coming on here and sharing the story of your son and his passing.
Speaker 2:Yes, Rebecca, thank you for having me on here today.
Speaker 1:So it's been a while since Matt passed. Take us back to that day.
Speaker 2:So I have two other sons that were younger than Matt. They were out playing and riding bikes and my husband was out riding on the tractor, and it was actually a very beautiful, warm summer day. My oldest son had to go to the doctors. He had a doctor's appointment when he was leaving. He was running a little bit late. My husband was urging him to get going, but when he left, all of a sudden this ferocious downpour of rain came. He at the time about, I'd say, seven minutes down the highway from us. He hydroplaned and got T-boned and was killed instantly. We didn't know, probably until about an hour later.
Speaker 1:That's when the police in the corner came to the door. So you know, kind of shows us how life goes on and we're having our days and everything seems normal as usual, and then everything changes.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:And there's always good in it if we're willing to look. But still, you know, when it's your child, when you just sort of have it in your mind that people die in ABC order, that the old die first and then the kids die and then their kids die. Yeah, we just have had that conditioned for the most part. So the last thing we're expecting is to have that happen, where people come to your door and say you know, we're sorry to tell you, so we know it's shock, it's something that takes a while to even just wrap your brain around, right, and you have a belief that life continues, right?
Speaker 2:Yes, you had that belief. I always had the belief, even before.
Speaker 1:And I think that that has to help. Yes, even though this is something we don't want to experience, we didn't think was going to happen and we immediately just want our child back. Exactly, just undo that, please. Right. Yes, but you know, this is how life teaches us that it's all about change, it is, and that everybody is okay and we don't all come in for the same timing. We don't come into maybe have more than he was, what 18?
Speaker 2:Yes, he was 18. When he passed, and four days after high school graduation.
Speaker 1:So, just when his life was changing and taking on a new, it really changed and took on a new for everybody it did, and we were actually preparing for his graduation party.
Speaker 2:You know, I really didn't know what kind of graduation party it was going to be. He was graduating from this life to the next. Yeah, and that's what I realized that I had a different type of graduation in my mind, but that's really his was his graduation.
Speaker 1:So, even with the beliefs that you have about life continuing, that absolutely helps. That has to help, because to think that life doesn't go on or that my son was taken from me is torture, it's self-torture. But even with your beliefs, even knowing that life continues and that this is the way things can, when it comes into your own world, because I remember you saying to me why me, why my son?
Speaker 2:Exactly, as so many others have.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and of course that question is going to come up in anybody's mind. Yes, but the answer to that is because that's how things work, that's how life works here and that's why I like to help get the word out to people and help to just get people more comfortable with the fact that if we just live in the now and we appreciate the moments that we're in right now, and we do understand that this is all temporary, we're still going to be taken back when somebody close to us passes, especially if they're younger or a child or whatever.
Speaker 1:Of course that's going to hit us for a minute, but it doesn't have to hit us so hard and so long it but it doesn't have to hit us so hard and so long we can get to that celebration of their life if we're willing to just find the ease whenever we can. It doesn't have to be right away. People have said to me over the years well, what if one of your kids died? And that's something I really thought about. You know I would not like it, I wouldn't want it. That I really thought about. You know I would not like it, I wouldn't want it.
Speaker 1:But with everything I know it would not be difficult for me to go to, in comparison with a lot of other people, because as much as I wouldn't want that to happen and as much as I I want to have it the way I want to have it, I understand that there's a bigger picture going on here and who am I to say that that soul should be here more than, like in your case, 18 and a half years? You know, I'm sure before you all came in you knew he was going to be here for a little over 18 years. But with the amnesia we have when we get dug in and we just get into this conditioned way of well, we're going to, you'll be burying me long before.
Speaker 1:And so the more we realize, and that's why we have pets, because pets don't live nearly as long as we do for the most part, and that helps us get used to that cycle of I love you very much and I wish I could do everything possible to keep you here, but I know I should not, because we don't come here forever and we really need to honor the in and out and the in and out of life. So, with that said, what happened, aside from just trying to deal with that big change, what happened in your family unit there? How did you we saw proof that Matt went on?
Speaker 2:I think it was just the day after, or maybe two days after, we laid him to rest that, I was sitting in his room and I was going through the sympathy cards and the masses and whatnot, and my husband was also there with me. As we were sitting in his room and my other two sons were actually sleeping down the hall in my bed, our bedroom down the hall, and I heard a young person call me Ma, not just once, twice and, uniquely enough, that's what Matt used to call me.
Speaker 2:He never called me Mom or Mommy or whatever he called me, ma, and it was so strong that it startled both of us and I thought, okay, that's what Matt used to call me, but maybe one of my other sons is just calling me like that and maybe they're awake.
Speaker 2:And at the same time I had about maybe five dogs that were barking ferociously and they would sometimes jump up on the love seat that was right in front of our bay window and they would see people were walking their dogs and obviously start barking. So I said to my husband oh, our sons must be awake, or one of our sons must be awake. They called me, you know, ma, and the dogs are barking like crazy. They must see somebody walking their dog. So as I continue to just stay in the room and look through all the cards, he goes down the hall and a few minutes later he comes back with big eyes and his mouth hanging open and he says to me you're never going to believe this. I said what? Our kids are sound asleep like they are out of it, and the dogs are circling the kitchen and looking up in the air, barking.
Speaker 1:Now did you both have ma, or did you just? No see, that's the beauty of it that's the beauty of this.
Speaker 2:It wasn't just me, where people would say, oh, she's just in grief or she's just imagining things, or that couldn't have happened. No, my husband and I both heard it and we figured we just looked at each other and we figured, okay, like we knew that we knew. Looked at each other and we figured, okay, like we knew that we knew Matt always called me ma. But I figured, okay, maybe it was my younger son who really looks like his older brother.
Speaker 2:And maybe he was just trying to comfort me. And then my husband came back and said everybody is so sound asleep and no one is out walking and our dogs are circling in the kitchen looking up in the air. Because of course they can see things that we don't see Exactly yes, animals see the spirit world so much, so much easier. And I knew right away that he was coming to let me know he, he made it and he's okay.
Speaker 1:And that was a perfect moment because you and your husband were both there and you were in a more calm state. It's easier for us to receive when we're in more of a calm state or when we're just not worked up about anything. So there you are, just having that moment in Matt's room and in perfect timing, like they always do, and you both had the openness to hear it. And that's the thing. It's not that this doesn't happen for other people, it's just that sometimes it's just more difficult for other people to get it or to acknowledge it. The other side, like Matt, would not have been upset if you guys went I was just our imagination, he wouldn't have been upset.
Speaker 1:But it's just so much more fun when people here get it and connect with it, because the joy in your heart is what he's all about at this point. You know we're. We're not in the physical, we're not missing anybody and we're not trying to impress anybody, we're not trying to interfere, we're just, we just. It's all about the love and it's all about, you know, the union and the relationships that we have.
Speaker 2:And it did really help and it did soothe our hearts. But I, I did have to learn that the more ease I could bring into myself and that and it was, and it was a lesson, you know, because we were grieving.
Speaker 2:But I did have to learn that if we could be easy about the grief. And I did even get a message from that. And this message came in from another spiritual worker and he said and this is true I was hesitant to let go of my grief because I felt that it was the only thing connecting me to him. And that was true. I held on to it because I felt like, well, geez, if I let go of that grief, I'm letting go of him. And he told me it wasn't true that if I release that grief and it goes true for everyone we can have a more clear connection without all that static of the grief energy around us and in our own energy field, and we'll be able to hear and connect with our loved ones so much better.
Speaker 2:And it took me quite a while to work myself through the stages of grief and to be able to let go of some of that. And you know, when I did, and when I was more open, I was more. I was able to see, or recognize, I should say, the signs. I was able to recognize them more and more freely. I was able to recognize them more and more freely. But when we're so deep in that, it is really hard for them to come through and break through that barrier.
Speaker 1:Well, it's easy for them, it's completely easy for them, but you're right, it's the delivery, or the acceptance is the difficult part. And that's on us. Yeah, because and you said it when you found your ease the more you found ease, the more you were noticing signs from him. And the technical reason for that is because they're vibrating at a frequency that is higher than the physical frequency, and so when we're feeling down, guess where our vibration is down, down, down. So the more down we are, the slower and lower we're vibrating. This is just one way to think of it.
Speaker 1:And now you are further apart vibrationally. It's just too big of a gap. They're still offering, they're still sending waves of thought, waves of love, but now we're vibrationally so far away. It's just very difficult to get a whiff of anything like that A, you know, a recognition of any of it, because we're so focused away from it and vibrationally not out of reach, but kind of. You could think of it that way. So that's why, when, when we have moments, even if we're, you know, just terribly in grief, even when people just have a moment where they're just more calm, they're just more at ease. You know, now you're able to, to just get the um, the wave of thought and it just sort of there it is, and it's not like he was in another room saying Mom, he was sending that vibration and that's how you were able to interpret it, and the dogs, I'm sure, were seeing his energy.
Speaker 1:And the funny thing is, you know, I think it helps us too to recognize that he's not your son. He was your son in this life, but that's it. Outside of this life we're not each other's mothers and brothers and sisters and cousins. We have connections, and once a relationship between two souls happens, it's always and forever, eternal, not always in the same way. It's not like you and your husband are married on the other side or have the same relationship on the other side. So I think it helps us too to recognize that the soul who was Matt in this life is not Matt. He's all the good points you knew about Matt and a whole lot more. And so when we think of them, where they are at and who they really are a broader version of who we knew now it's even easier, because when we're looking here for them, that's tough, when we're looking for that person, that's tough.
Speaker 1:Right when we are looking through pain that's tough.
Speaker 1:So we're going, we're going against the, the ease of being available to them just by looking for that specific person and looking for them where they were. Because they're not there anymore, you can't look where they were. You have to look and direct your attention to where they're at now, who they are as a whole, and that they are wanting us to go on as best we can and not mourn them. When you're mourning somebody and thinking this is how I honor you, because if I'm not mourning you, it might go off as like I don't love you. If I'm happy and you've only been gone for like four days, then I'm just. That can't be Like you're going to think I don't love you.
Speaker 1:If I'm, if I'm happy and you've only been gone for like four days, then I'm just that. That can't be like you're going to think I don't love you. If I'm, if I'm laughing or I'm happy, and it's only been a day since you, since you passed, and that couldn't be further from the truth. They all would love it and we as souls will love it as we get better and better and better at this in and out stuff, because it won't be the traumatic stuff that we've made it out to be so, if somebody passes, and yeah, it takes you a minute. But then you start to think what are you doing now? What's it like for you now? How can you talk to me from where you're at now?
Speaker 2:And I think we all have the capability to do that. I mean, some are better than others, but I think we all have the ability to communicate and it's like anything else, you have to practice. Everybody is just knowing that, whether it's a son, a daughter, a husband, a wife, a grandmother who passed, we're still all going to be connected through love.
Speaker 2:No matter what we are on the other side, or who we are or who we were here. We're all souls and we're all expanding. But I think the big, the thing that helped me and I think would help everybody, is knowing that if you love someone and you love that soul, we're always going to be connected through love.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. In a way, too, it helps in that if a person here has never had somebody close to them pass, they may find it more difficult to relate to the other side.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Because they don't feel any direct connection if they haven't had a spiritual experience or they just don't know how to like. How do I even relate to the other side? Once you have somebody that you were close to that has passed now, it's kind of like you have what people call eyes in the sky. You have a friend on the other side, you have somebody that you can relate to. That if they give you signs, or when they give you signs and you receive them because they're always giving them it means more because you can say I knew that soul as a person, Right, and that sign is directly related to something that connects me to that person.
Speaker 1:So it's not random and it is very personal, Right. And so share some of the different signs through the years that Matt has given you that are more outstanding, because I know there's been so many, but some of the more outstanding ones just to help people see that when they relax they will get signs. Because I also want to talk about when people say I get no signs and why that is. And then I want to talk about why certain signs are picked, why that sign. So give us an example of especially the main one. There's a main thing that Matt's had over the years.
Speaker 2:Matt's favorite sign is the smiley face. It's connected to him through a story. Well, first of all, he always looked like a smiley face. He had chubby cheeks and he was always smiling and always laughing and even through difficulties he always looked like a smiley face. He had chubby cheeks and he was always smiling and always laughing and even through difficulties he found a way to smile. But so, yeah, his predominant sign to us is a smiley face and we've seen it everywhere.
Speaker 2:Just in the very beginning, I can remember an instance where I was in traffic and you know I'm just talking to him and I'm missing him and I'm vocalizing out loud and just having a conversation with him, and I'm in the right lane and I look to the left lane and there's a vehicle with a smiley face hanging from the rear view mirror, but the face is turned towards me and facing me.
Speaker 2:You know it wasn't twisted, it wasn't the other way, it was looking at me. And so many of those were talking or missing or will even say sometimes, send us a sign. And right in front of us is a smiley face sticker on the back of a car, or we see Jeep with headlights that are smiley faces, one really huge sign that sticks out for me is I went to work one day and upon driving home I had a little bit of a rough day, a little bit of a rough meeting. So I'm talking to him about it in the car and kind of complaining to him about it, and I get down to the bottom of the hill and there's a red light there and across the intersection is one of those huge Mack trucks you would see driving on a highway trucks you would see driving on a highway, and in the front in silver letters is Matt M-A-T-T.
Speaker 2:It was so profound. I took a picture of it and um developed it and have it hanging on my wall in my my great room, because, to be honest with you, I've many, many highways. I've never seen a name on a Mack truck in the front like that, let alone my sons, right. So yeah, that was one of the most predominant.
Speaker 1:Just the sheer timing of it.
Speaker 2:Exactly. I mean, here I am coming down the hill, talking to him and ranting on and opening the door, opening that connection, and then boom, there's the Mack truck with his name on it and one of the other ones and I think I talked to you about this one my middle son, when he was graduating from high school, and it was what was it? 2021? I think we were just coming out of COVID, but they still had to wear the masks. With his school district, they would take the seniors and go through the halls of the middle school with their caps and gowns on and, of course, at that time, they were in caps, gowns and mask.
Speaker 2:And I happened to see it advertised on the Facebook and I said, oh, I'm going to go on and see if I can see my other son, you know. And as I'm scrolling through the pictures, I see him. And then all of a sudden I almost fall off my chair, two students behind Matt's brother is him, it's him, it's Matt. It's Matt in a gown. In a gown with a cap and a mask on His hair, his face, his eyebrows, his ears. I ran downstairs to see my husband and I said look at this. He had to sit down. He had to sit down. I've shown his friends, I've shown my family members. They can't believe it. So I think you know this particular young person, young man, must have had a resemblance to my son and he must have brought his energy. And I remember you saying he did. I remember that If you would just randomly show that picture to anybody that knew him, they would think it was him. That's just unbelievable.
Speaker 1:And honestly, because what are the chances that kid is going to look like Matt in that image? Just that day, be close to your other son, Exactly. I mean we, we know it was a different person. It wasn't Matt, but the image of and the appearance of. That's how energy works. That's how easy it is to make energy be what we, what they want it to be for us.
Speaker 2:One time we went on vacation and the hotel had a parking garage and our car was parked in the parking garage, but very close to where our room was and right outside of our door I don't know if someone used white chalk or how it got there In the concrete was a smiley face right outside of our door. Face right outside of our door. I know so, but the thing is, and I'd like to see this to everyone open the door of communication. Usually, what I do is I, you know, I say a little prayer and then, and then I just call him in and and I just have a regular conversation with him. Now it's to the point where I've kind of played games with him. When I go to work I'll say, okay, send me your smiley face, but maybe send me the number of your birthday or send me the number connected with the day you transitioned. Sure enough, I did that one day going to work. I saw the smiley face. I asked him for the number 19.
Speaker 2:I go into a lot of hospitals checking on students and I went to go upstairs to the cafeteria and you have to digitally, in this particular facility, pick where you want to go and then it sends you a number of the cart that you need to take to get there and wouldn't you know to take to get there and wouldn't you know it was number 19.
Speaker 2:Of course, and yeah, I mean it's just been incredible all the different signs throughout the years, which I am so grateful for. So, yes, you are right, I this this relationship with with matt. It's different. I can't sit and have a piece of pizza at the table or I can't physically, you know, like in the human sense, kiss his face, but I can talk to him and he can talk back and he can show, show that communication through signs and and so I encourage anyone that's listening today, anyone that's had a heartbreak, to find their way through that grief and the ease and believe and open up your heart. But open up the communication even through writing or talking, you know, through all his signs that he sent me. I've even started to make signs up for other family members and they've come through. They've come through. A lot of people say, oh, that's just coincidence, but I don't know about that. They're so particular and what makes you be at a certain place at a certain time when you could?
Speaker 2:have went a different way and maybe not seen that sign.
Speaker 1:Especially when it's so consistent and there's a lot of it you can't say, well, that was a once in a while coincidence kind of thing, right, and they say too, they don't. Once in a while coincidence kind of thing. And they say too, they don't want us to keep them too alive here. In other words, go on and have your life and do your thing and just yeah, you can certainly keep the relationship alive and keep it as part of your life. There was a woman that I talked to years ago and her husband had passed several years before we talked and she still had everything that belonged to him in the house. She didn't move his clothes, his tools. He had all kinds of tools in the garage and I said people could be using those tools. Actually, that's what he said. He said you know the the tools, like myself. Just let it circulate, get it out there. And I guess to her that there, and I guess to her that was keeping him alive, was keeping all his stuff there. They're not tied to any stuff that we have here. They're not tied to any of it that belonged to them, belonged to us. Keeping them active and a part of your life just means to casually do that.
Speaker 1:It's similar to like if Matt went onto a faraway planet.
Speaker 1:Let's say that we were going to start to inhabit a planet and only certain people can go right now, and he's one of them. You're excited for him, you're sort of sad because it's far away and it's going to be a long time before anybody else, like the rest of us, go there. And let's say that you and your family want to go there eventually, but Matt's got to go first, and the only way that you can communicate with him because it is a planet that is far away is through thought. You wouldn't be sad, you wouldn't be in the same way sad, you wouldn't be thinking, oh, he's gone. You would do whatever you could to just find the ease so that you could receive the transmission from him, and then you would talk to him. Because if the plan is, if we just send thought, whether we say the words out loud or not, if we just think of each other and have a conversation, you won't know it, but that conversation is going to make it to the other planet. Right, because energy doesn't know time and space.
Speaker 1:Yes, and so, even though it's not like we're doing right now, where you can, you know, we can just talk back and forth and hear the words. If we were sending those thought waves, knowing that they'll make it, and then he'll send some my way and I'll send some his way, and now we don't have to do it all day long every day because he has stuff to do on the planet. You have stuff to do here, just like when we are here together, when we're here physically together. We don't take a person and say, okay, we're going to be around each other all day long, every day, 24 hours a day. We have to have this communication and drive each other crazy.
Speaker 1:Right, we want to go do separate things. We want to go to work over there, we want to go shopping, we want to go out with friends, we want to go do different things and still be with that person most of the time. So when you're out to lunch with your friends, you're not thinking, oh, but I'm not with that person, or your kids, like, I'm not with my kids right now. That's terrible. I'm, you know, should have my kids here all the time.
Speaker 1:No, we think, have your life. I'm having my life. This is healthy, this is good for us. So there's that too. They're not expecting to come out to lunch with us when we go out with friends if that's not something that normally would have been okay or has any real purpose in that moment. So it's helpful for us. I think to just use that analogy of, yeah, what if it's? Because it is really like that. He's not on a different planet, he's just not physically focused anymore, but he's still very much alive, very vibrant. More than ever is it easy for him to communicate this way? So it's very simple for them. There's no work involved, it's none of that, and they're not necessarily doing it constantly. It's not like he's in another or in non-physical, we'll say and he's constantly focused on what you and your family are doing here. But he is always aware, he's always aware. So he doesn't have to be just looking and watching, he's just aware looking and watching.
Speaker 2:He's just aware. Every time I talk to him, which probably is every day, he doesn't always come in every day. I mean, the signs are predominant, but there's times that, okay, I didn't get a sign today, or it didn't go exactly the way I planned, but maybe two days later it will.
Speaker 1:And more likely it's just that you're not receiving in that moment. It's just your antenna's up but nothing. You're just not letting anything in in that moment and that's okay. You know, that kind of leads us into. So why do some people never get signs? I've had people say to me I get nothing from any of them that have passed, and that can be for a few different reasons. You're not really expecting to, maybe you're afraid to because somebody has taught you it's spooky or it's bad. Maybe you're just so tied up in life here or so upset that they're not here that you're too vibrationally far away. You know, I met a gentleman years ago who said his he was.
Speaker 1:This man was probably in his seventies and he said his adult son passed. He had had a, he was a police officer, he had a health condition that he just didn't want to tell anybody about. He knew it was going to kill him. And just his means of exit. That's what every death is. It's a means of exit, and so he just that's the way he wanted it to be, probably because some people just don't want to deal with the pre-death mourning, you know, like the saying goodbye and all that kind of stuff and just all the sadness. So his son passed.
Speaker 1:And it had been some time since his son passed. When he and I were talking and he was just so down about it. I said to him like why this looks painful? And he said it is. He said I don't care if I die tomorrow. I'm not enjoying this life at all. I'm miserable since he passed.
Speaker 1:And I said to him I know for sure that your son is not wanting that for you. The soul who was your son does not want that for you. And I said if you had passed and your son was here, would you want your son to be miserable for the rest of his life just because you were here for a while, the fact that you had a life here, would you want that to be the cause of misery for him for the rest of his life? And he said absolutely not.
Speaker 1:And I said well then, what are you doing? Yeah, why do that to yourself when it's not what they want? If you can do it, we're free enough to do it. And they're still paying attention, they're still loving, they're still offering the relationship and even though we're just so pinched off from it at that point we think you know he's just dead and gone and sure I can't talk to him. What are you crazy? I can't ever be happy again. I should have been there. I should have done something. If I don't, we can do that all day long and we're not helping ourselves or anything else.
Speaker 1:Right, if we can just get on board with, you're not going to reconstruct creation. Yeah, we don't have a broad enough understanding of what's really going on here to make decisions about how this should be played out. And even though we are connected to the whole, why would we, in a human experience where we do remember very little about the whole, why would we look at life here and decide just from our perspective, this is how things should be changed, this should be different, that should be different. That's, that's ridiculous, that doesn't make any sense, that's wrong, that's bad. We make all these judgment calls and, of course, all of creation. The other side nobody's upset by any of that. They get it right, but they are thinking, I sure, something along the lines of oh, you fickle humans. Yes, from your perspective, we get it. We get it. However, relax, we've got this, you're all okay, nobody's dying. Really, yeah.
Speaker 1:It's just a withdrawal focus from the human experience. You've done it before, you will do it again, and if you would not take life so seriously, you would see that there's nothing serious that needs to go on here. Mm-hmm, we put the seriousness into things.
Speaker 2:I mean, it's definitely a human challenge to have that what we consider loss, but it's a big change and they're really not lost, but making when they make their transition, especially if it is a child, and it's a challenge and it's a journey to find that ease.
Speaker 1:It is understandable because we're very physical and this we think this is. All reality has to offer us is what's right here, and so we get pretty dug into it right and pretty used to it. So I can, I, you know, I certainly see it from that perspective, but the option is there to lighten up about it and to broaden like, loosen up and look around. What's really going on here?
Speaker 2:And once we do, then we find, as you would say, the honey in it and we can find that it helps ourself and helps that pain that we were carrying, because we can find a new relationship and see that our loved ones have just transitioned, but they're not really gone, they're not really lost. You mentioned that some people don't get signs at all. Then, not everybody has the same style of sending their sign. I think even the souls have their own style, am I right? I mean, do you agree?
Speaker 1:I would agree. And they're also taking into consideration how you knew them here, right, because you will receive them in a way that matches how you knew them here. So if they were very funny, even if it was just the two of you were very funny together, they'll use that because that will work. That'll be helpful for them to use. That. You know they're not going to come through in negative ways. They're not going to come through, even if they were very bitter. They might mention that that, yeah, I was pretty bitter when I was there, but they're never going to come through in bitter or mean or hurtful ways. There's never any of that.
Speaker 1:And I've been barking up this tree for most of my life, right, and I can tell you I have not heard anything negative come from non-physical. That, to me, has proven over the years that it is pure love, because it is, it's so unconditional. You know, we we tend to be very hard on ourselves, we're very hard on life, we're very hard on life, we're very hard on death, we're very hard on situations. It's okay, we can do that, but we don't have to. What if? What if we just say I'm going to get easy about this, I don't have to like it at all. You, you, you still don't like the fact that Matt left at 18 and a half years old.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:Oh great you don't ever have to like it. You know, from a soul's perspective we can certainly respect that and say, well, if that's the the length of the journey this time in, well, that's who am I to say you shouldn't stay longer, right, right and? And we, we can't stop that train anyway. So when we can come to terms with just the absolute love that is being offered, then we won't make comments anymore like I lost my so-and-so, or my daughter was taken from me, or my mother's probably rolling over in her grave because these people are doing this thing, or I hope my ex-mother-in-law doesn't try to come through because she was so mean and she didn't like me.
Speaker 1:That's all just silly human talk, because there's no judgment. They're not the personality you knew here in any negative sense. They're all the positive aspects, but a whole lot more than that. And so, yeah, the signs that they deliver, it's just the waves of thought that they're offering, and they'll try a different angle. They'll try this angle just to kind of see what we'll pick up on. And so they do have their very intelligent ways of helping things synchronize so that we'll be surprised and delighted or at least.
Speaker 1:So we'll wonder because I've had several people over the year say to me you know, this happened and it was so amazing, was it real? I did. And I said, well, you were there. Yeah, you were there, you had. Did you have that experience? And they'll say, yeah, I did, that's real yeah, people doubt it.
Speaker 2:I was just thinking one time I I I was talking to matt and I said, okay, you know, of course, send me the smiley face, but hey, I'm gonna throw this one, send me a blue butterfly. And then I made a joke and I said I don't know how you're gonna come up with that one. And I went off and did what I had to do for the day, and that had to be about a week, maybe a week before Mother's Day last year, and wouldn't you know, my two other sons gave me a gift for Mother's Day and on the bag was a blue butterfly.
Speaker 1:It could be fun, fun, it really can be yeah, and you know, once you get used to this and you get comfortable with it, then it's not just them, it's not just about the, the people you knew here that have passed. Now you get to understand that there are a lot of souls that are available to you, some that you have not known physically in this life, but you do know very well, and I've never been one to be, just what people call airy fairy, and that's just not me, it's not my style, it's not the way I go about this. So I am pretty matter of fact and I do have to prove these things to myself, and so I do get it when people say I don't believe any of that, it's all baloney.
Speaker 1:I get, whatever I get it, but it does make sense to me and I have proven it. It has proven itself to me, I'll say Even so, like just not that long ago, I was laying in bed one morning and I thought, you know, I could stay in bed longer. Today I could sleep in, I don't have to be anywhere anytime soon, I can just lay here. And then I kind of felt like I I just felt that sort of nudge to get up and so I said, okay, whoever cause I'm not addressing anybody specifically when I do this what will be better for me to do right now? Just let me know, was it better for me to get up right now and get my day going, or would it be better for me just to snuggle in here for a little longer? And within just a few seconds, I felt this tap, like this pressure on my leg, and it wasn't anything else. It couldn't have been anything else, it was just this tap on my leg.
Speaker 2:And I said, okay, all right, I get it, I get it, it would be good to get up.
Speaker 1:It would be good to get up and I said, but I would just, I just want to be sure I got you right. So if you could, just one more thing. Just one more thing. And my phone, which was on the nightstand beside my bed, gave off this weird tone that I don't I don't even know what it was for, I don't, not one I generally hear, and it was just a little short tone and I thought, there it is, that, no, that couldn't have been any more sure.
Speaker 1:I couldn't have been any more sure. That was a perfect sign for okay, the tap and then the sound. I gotcha. I'm not going to thank you, and the funny thing is I have free will so I could have just said I'm just going to stay here. I could have done that, but I know enough to know that I asked the question which would be better for me, my life, my day, whatever synchronized? What would be better? Because sometimes it is better to just snuggle up and stay there for a while.
Speaker 2:Oh, absolutely.
Speaker 1:We don't have enough information to actually make that decision. As well as they do, they have a broader vision. They see what's queuing up for the day, they see what would be beneficial, and so the answer was yeah. If you're asking, we're answering. Right now would be a really good time to get up and go ahead with your day, because it's going to synchronize even better than if you would stay there longer. Now am I asking I don't ask all day long, every day, should I pick up this cup?
Speaker 2:and drink my water.
Speaker 1:Should I make my tea? Now? I'm not looking for you know, we can be in the flow and getting the guidance. You just get a sensation that, oh, now I feel like I just want to go make a cup of tea, then go make it. Guidance you just get a sensation that, oh, now I feel like I just want to go make a cup of tea then go make it. That's the whole energetic flow of synchronicity that you're in. You have the free will not to Like.
Speaker 1:For instance, yesterday was Saturday and I have these glasses that I ordered online and they came and there's a little issue with them. So they said, put them back, we'll send you a label, we'll fit, we'll send you a new pair, we'll fix it, whatever. And so I was going to go to the post office yesterday and drop them off and I just didn't. I just couldn't go, like I felt I should go, cause I thought I'm busy Monday, tuesday, I just couldn't go, I just didn't go. There was nothing in me that wanted to go to the post office, so I didn't go.
Speaker 1:This morning I got an email from that company saying the picture you sent, because I had to send a picture of the glasses on my face so that they could adjust them correctly. We can't use the picture, please send another picture. And I thought, oh well, there it is. Then I still have the glasses here. I just opened the package, got the image they wanted send it to them. All is well. Now I'm free to go ahead and ship those glasses. So this is just one of those ways. Was it my mother? Was it my father? It's all of them.
Speaker 1:It's just life itself saying yeah, just don't go to the post office today. I had no urge to go at all, and so I know to feel, I know to pay attention to that, because even though my brain saying you should go today, this is the best day for you to go, you know, my inner stuff just wasn't going there, so I didn't. And that's just one example of how we can listen to the sensations that we're feeling, because we're always being guided. The suggestions are always available for multiple points. It's up to us whether we think right over top of them, and I've done that too. I've done that too where I knew I had that feeling, or I knew that and I did it anyway. And but you learn when you do that. So it's not it's not bad.
Speaker 1:It's a good way to go. Oh yeah, okay, see, I'm getting better at this.
Speaker 2:Yeah, if we get out of our head and trust our instincts a little more. But, like you said, we all have free will.
Speaker 1:When we realize that the stream is always there, the guidance is always there, whether it's from, specifically, the soul that was met, or your grandmother or somebody else. That's nice, that's really nice. And but they don't care if we give them the credit or not. Honestly they're, they don't have that kind of ego stuff there.
Speaker 1:You know, it's not like well, wait a minute, I get that sign. She knows it's for me. Did she know it was for me? Or did she think it was just from all sorts? There's none of that, right, she sign, that's just there it is. She heard us, she, she picked up on.
Speaker 1:That isn't that wonderful, because I don't know if it's ever just one soul anyway it's true because there seems to be such a a blend of uh, it's hard to describe, but there's just a blend of offerings and they don't mind is say, say it was your grandmother or the soul and some others, that your grandmother was in the mix, and they're sending you this guidance and you're calling it oh, it's from Matt. You're totally thinking that that came from Matt. There's nothing about them that goes oh, set her straight, man, that was not from Matt, that was from us. There's none of that. They're just happy that you got the information and that you want to do something with it. So it is about just that pure, unconditional ease of love. And they're not. None of them on the other side are more holy than us or more anything else. We're all. We're all that. All of us are.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it's good to know it's a good feeling.
Speaker 1:It is a good feeling.
Speaker 2:And hopefully I've helped some people that are listening today and you also, us together that you know it's okay to feel what you're feeling, but try to find some ease and you can once again feel the love of that loved one.
Speaker 1:And sometimes it takes just a moment whenever you feel like you're ready to just sit with yourself and don't search for them out there because they're not out there. Just sit with your own energy, quiet your mind as best you can and just pay attention, be curious. Hey, are you there really? Yeah, I'd love to know. I would love to know, are you really still with me? Like how does this work? And then just shut up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's a good point, Because if you keep talking you can't listen. You've got to listen at some point. And if you can't listen then it's okay, you'll listen sometime after that. They'll find that little crack of moment when you're not being resistant or you're not being hard on things, they'll find that moment where something will just seep on through and you'll get it. You know, if anybody out there is wondering why or why do I get maybe a sign from this one that passed and not that one, it may be because you have some kind of block against it somehow, or the timing isn't.
Speaker 1:People say things too like my so-and-so said that once they pass, they're going to show me this sign or they're going to give me this information, and then they'll say the person passes and they'll say it's been like 10 years and I've been to mediums, I've been and I'm not getting that sign. Because you're looking for one specific thing and you're looking hard for it. Relax, looking for one specific thing and you're looking hard for it, relax, just if it's going to come and you may have missed it 500 times between then and now because you're looking for it in a specific way, in a, in a very structured way, let it happen organically, just let it be a natural thing and let it come when you're ready to receive it, because when we're hunting for it, you know that when you were looking for Matt.
Speaker 1:When you were searching for Matt, you couldn't find him you couldn't get him, because we're looking out there and we're expecting certain things. We want certain things from them and just sorry to tell y'all but it just doesn't work that way.
Speaker 1:You know we've got to do this together and we've got to find that ease. Yeah, you're right. And then it is just fun. It's just fun, it's simple, it's fun. Does it happen all day, every day? No, does it happen every day? Not necessarily Can it, sure, but you're having your life here, so have your life here and know that they're very much interested in it. But you know you don't have to make it where they're just always, always, always talked about and attributed to and things like that. You know we can, we can let it be a casual thing.
Speaker 2:When the person that's grieving, when they're ready, when they find their ease. I think it all kind of comes together.
Speaker 1:And I'm sure that we will keep progressing as a people to where we don't have to go through all of those steps of grief that we've labeled. The more understanding we become of this, the more quickly and easily we will allow this process to be something that we really appreciate and celebrate and honor Again. You know, maybe we don't like it, but we can learn to like it because when it's, you know, think of it this way If somebody, if a woman, is pregnant and a soul is now focusing partially through that baby and coming into this life, there's nobody on the other side that goes oh, you're leaving. Oh, man, like we are so sad. You're going into a life. First of all, only a small percentage of us focuses here, but you kind of get how how odd, yes, that we would. You know, a soul comes into a life experience here, has that life experience, withdraws from it and we all get all crazy about it, we get all sad and tortured by it and we make days and sometimes years of misery out of it. Don't need to do that.
Speaker 1:We just don't need to do that and for me I get it do that and I, you know, for me I get it. You know, I was just listening to I'm editing a podcast that I just did and there were some very tender moments for this woman in there and I had tears in my eyes. I'm not saying that we don't have the human emotion and that these things. We have our lassy moments.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:And it's okay. But the more we really wrap our brains around the natural, beautiful process of life, the easier we're all going to get about it and then it's not going to hurt so much and maybe at some point it won't hurt at all. That'd be great it there. So thank you so much, lisa. This was a lot of good information, I think, and I'm hoping that it does help people find that ease. And yeah, it's a thing, but we can get past it if we can see those signs.
Speaker 2:Yeah, thank you for having me. If anybody wants to also connect with me, they can find you, and I'd be happy to talk to anybody along the way.
Speaker 1:Wonderful. Thank you all for tuning in as well. You can find me at mysticaltruthscom. You.