Mystical Truths Podcast

As Life Becomes Curiouser and Curiouser

Rebecca Troup Season 3 Episode 13

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If you feel like humanity (or your own life) has gone down a strange rabbit hole, tune in for a fresh perspective. Are we headed to better times or are we in the midst of a global shit-show?

What if the transparency of today's society is the key to transforming mindlessness into mindfulness? This episode of Mystical Truths Podcast dives into the curious and evolving state of our world, where we will recognize the "outing" of heavy issues like corruption, human trafficking, and controversial educational mandates. I will unpack how the requirement for Oklahoma schools to teach the Bible and the Ten Commandments symbolizes the tension between control and personal beliefs. Through examining the decline of the middle class and the growing influence of the mega-wealthy, I underscore the increasing curiosity and spiritual inquiry among people, highlighting how your individual choices contribute to societal transformation.

I will shed light on the concepts of mindfulness vs mindlessness, drawing insights from Abraham-Hicks on how emotions guide us toward beneficial actions. Discover why focusing on thoughts that feel better is essential for our future and your future. Learn how adopting a mindset that life is unfolding in your favor can help overcome limiting beliefs and transform negative outcomes into positive experiences. This episode inspires you to embrace curiosity and mindfulness, showing that recognizing the positives in every situation can lead to personal empowerment and collective change. Tune in for a transformative journey toward mindfulness and personal growth.

Esther Hicks -
David Bayer 
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

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A big Thank You to
Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
for the music. Much appreciated!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Mystical Truths Podcast. This is Rebecca, and I'm really glad you're here. Let's unlock your world. It is pretty easy to notice that life here has become increasingly strange or curiouser. Now it's not going to stop anytime soon, and that's okay. But if it's getting to you in any sort of way, please listen through to the end of this episode. I believe it'll not only benefit you but all of us.

Speaker 1:

If we look at what's going on these days from a broader perspective. You just got to step back from your life. Look at it through the eyes of source, look at it in a more broad way. What's really going on here? Is it bad? No, it isn't. Is it change? Yes, it is.

Speaker 1:

We're moving from mindlessness to mindfulness, and that involves an increasing visibility of both negatives and positives. They've both always been here, but for a while, and especially now, they're both more seeable, sometimes right in our faces. So the skeletons and the unicorns, so to speak, are out of the closet. But this strange ride that we're on is not a bad ride, not individually, not as a whole. This is a really good ride that we're on, but it's not always easy. This is a really good ride that we're on, but it's not always easy and it's not always pretty, but it does have ease in it and it does have beauty in it. It just depends on how you're looking at this. So let's look at for just a brief period, let's look at the negatives, the skeletons, and what's coming out. What are we seeing wide open now that we didn't before? We're seeing that there is a lot of corruption in the world. We're seeing that human trafficking is a thing, border issues, increased drug use, increased suicide, political parties being outed, religions, corporations, politics being exposed of the issues that we just maybe some knew were there, maybe some didn't. We're seeing more censorship and control, for example, and this is what happens when we try to censor and control each other.

Speaker 1:

I saw an article recently that the superintendent of Oklahoma State has required all schools to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculum. The Ten Commandments will be hung in every classroom this is grades 5 to 12, by the way and every classroom must have a Bible and all teachers must teach from the Bible in the classroom. And I thought, what? So I caught an interview, a piece of an interview, with the co-author of the bill and when the interviewer asked her and she was explaining that they feel that the Bible and the Ten Commandments are historical documents and should be taught. And I thought but we have other historical documents from other religions and so on that you could include there as well.

Speaker 1:

So he said to her well, what do you say to teachers who don't share your religious beliefs or to families who don't share those beliefs? And she said just don't look at it. And I thought what? This is what happens when you try to control people. You get to a point where you really don't have a valid response or answer or reason. So you have to go for something like just don't look at it, which, of course, is impossible because if you have it in the room on the walls, there's the Bible. They're teaching from it that, whether they want to or not, you can't keep it out of their ears, you can't keep it out of their eyes, what they see, what they hear. And I'm not saying one way or another, whether anybody should study the Bible or the Ten Commandments, but what I am saying is when we decide that our beliefs.

Speaker 1:

Now, education was meant to teach kids the basics so that they can have a life, function and be employable and so on. It was not intended to teach people what they should believe, so again, it just shows how this is coming up. It's coming out. It's coming up Some people her point, another point was that if kids aren't getting morals at home, we'll just do it this way at school.

Speaker 1:

So we have all this stuff going on. I mean we have a decline in the middle class. We've got thousands of food ingredients that we were told are safe and they're not, that we're still using in the United States anyway, not in other countries so much. But in the country that I live in we have a few groups of mega wealthy that are pulling a lot of the strings of what's going on. So there's so much of that that makes people feel powerless, and there's more. I mean it could go on, but you get the point. There's a lot that's coming out and loud, which is actually a good thing, it's a wonderful thing. It's not necessarily easy or fun, but here we are and, like I said in the previous episode, there's no battle between the positives and the negatives. There's nothing to fear here. There's a lot more positive always than there is negative. But in order for us to make the changes that we want and that we're going through. We have to see this stuff openly, we have to know that it's there and we have to decide around it. We individually are forming preferences that count. So, as you see anything like this and you form preferences, those count and those are helping. So let's look at some of the positives what you could call the unicorns that are out more now.

Speaker 1:

We have so many more people as time goes on here that are more curious and gravitating to spiritual practices or just asking those questions of what really is going on here and where is my truth or the truth? Because if we can't trust other people to deliver them and that is one thing that's plainly clear right now is that you just can't. I mean, we used to think you could trust the FDA to tell you what was safe If they passed it. We should be good, right, people didn't ask questions before. We just assumed that somebody was a watchdog on this and somebody was looking out for that. But we know anymore you can't even trust the statistics, the tests that are being done, the information that's being spewed to people. You can't trust it. So why is that a good thing? Because you can always trust what's inside you, you can trust your inner being. You can trust your source. That's where your truths are, that's where your guidance is. So, instead of navigating this and worry and fear and trying to figure out who's actually telling you correct information, bring it home and pay attention to how you feel, and I'll talk more about that in a minute. So the positives like I said, so many more people just saying I'm not going to you can't just tell me the religious stuff and I'll just say, okay, we're more curious now. We want to know really, did that happen and really, is that how life works? We're recognizing that we don't have to go through anyone else to be with source and to connect with source.

Speaker 1:

People aren't hiding their differences like they did before. It's more acceptable to just be unique. You know, and although the mainstream media is very controlled and censored, there are tons of podcasts and different things like that that are sharing information openly. That is true, or at least that you can make up your own mind about whether it's true or not or whether you agree with it or not. Now they do. Some of those bigger podcasts do have to be careful, because they can be censored. They can be dinged for what they put out there. If they get big enough. They don't, but at least there's a lot of people talking, and a lot of people talking about things that we really want to talk about. We really want to hear. We don't want to wait for somebody to say what we can hear or what we can think about or believe. We really want to hear. We don't want to wait for somebody to say what we can hear or what we can think about or believe. We're raising our children now in more respectful ways. We're teaching mindfulness in schools. Now is this all of this stuff across the board? No, but there's just a lot more of all of this being recognized. Especially, we even have a presidential candidate who meditates.

Speaker 1:

That might be a first and possibly, as people lose more and more interest in the other two, they'll start to pay attention to the amazing third option that we have. That's my opinion, but I'm listening and I'm paying attention to how I feel. We're understanding more and more that we're not powerless to corporations or the mega-wealthy. We're getting there. We're seeing that addicts are real people. They're a soul on a journey like everybody else, and we can be kind to them and to each other. We're waking up to so much and we're forming preferences and making decisions for the better we're realizing our power. At least we're getting there.

Speaker 1:

I hear people say I feel hopeless, I feel like we don't have options. Just don't stay there. You can feel that for a little bit, but then get your curiosity up when are your options? How could this be hopeful? You know, we do have scientific proof now that our thoughts affect everything, and so, because of that, we're thinking on purpose more, more and more and more. So you can see how all of this is coming up, coming out simultaneously, the positives and the negatives. So the hidden is no longer hideable, and in order for us to be more, we'll say, enlightened on this planet it might not be the best choice of word, but in order for us to be there we have to be more transparent. We have to be able to know that our thoughts affect people and situations and creatures. We have to know that every one of us here count. Every single person here is affecting what's going on.

Speaker 1:

So these are not bad times and, like I said, they're not necessarily easy all the time either, though, but these are times of noticeable potential for more wanted for more freedom, for more ease, love, playfulness, positive expansion, more realization of a connection to source, that we're not alone in this the potential to consciously choose wanted or unwanted on purpose. You know, and we're all in this I'm not speaking from a spiritually immune space there are moments and days when I'm noticing the negative extremes and I just want to say, okay, enough, like what the f— and that's okay, that's all part of this, that's all part of this world of creation, and that's actually useful if it's brief part of this world of creation. And that's actually useful if it's brief, because in those moments we get some power. There we say I want different, I'm more clear about what I do like. That's creation in progress. The vital key here is to know that and then focus back on wanted or what you like, and you've got to trust that when you see the things that are unwanted to you, there are many ways to the wanted things that are available and it's our job to pay attention to those ways. So how have I learned not to get pulled down by all the negative stuff or all this stuff that you see going on out there in the world and not lose hope?

Speaker 1:

There are a few things that we'll talk about. One is by becoming more mindful and less mindless. So mindless equals powerlessness. It's just power, powerless, mindless. It's going with the flow. That's any flow, like being bounced around like a ball in a pinball machine by whatever comes at you. It's being distracted from self, from you yourself. It's a lack of attention with curiosity, accepting what you're told, just saying okay, just like I said, the FDA said these ingredients are safe. And everybody said okay. The media said if you don't vote for that one or that one, you're going to waste your vote. And what people say, okay, if enough of us don't fall for that, right, we've heard the devil takes the bad people. And we say, okay, well, we can't mindlessly just go about that anymore. We're learning that, although that's been very common, we're changing in a way where we are more curious and less trusting in what people are up to and more trusting in what our inner being is up to, the you that you know and the inner being that you are and its connection with your, connection with source. What's going on there. We're paying more attention to that now. That's incredibly important.

Speaker 1:

So mindful, then, means powerful, going with the synchronized flow of life, being aware of yourself and how you feel, because there's guidance in how you feel. It means being present right now, in your mind, in your space. Being present right now, in the moment that you're in it, means knowing that your emotions do guide you. Your emotions will tell you whether you're heading into anything that's going to help you or anything that's not going to help you, anything that's going to help this planet and the people on it, or not. So when you pay attention to how you feel, you're in sync with your navigation system. You know, in the Abraham Hicks material, esther Hicks translates for a group of souls that she calls Abraham. She's been doing that for several years.

Speaker 1:

Abraham tells us that there are two states of being. There's a feel good and a feel bad. I feel good, I don't feel good. Two states of being One's powerful, one's powerless, and your emotions. Let you know which one. Which states of being One's powerful, one's powerless, and your emotions. Let you know which one, which state of being you're currently in. You can't be in both at the same time. So if you feel you know good, okay to really great.

Speaker 1:

You're in a state of being, of power, or feel good, and that is feedback from all of creation, saying what you're looking at is working out for you or has good potential for you or is in good timing, or is how we are seeing it and when we are in emotions from to really off. That's feedback too, that source saying we're not seeing it the way you're seeing it. There's big difference between the way you're interpreting this and the way we see the potentials or the timing or the benefit. You know, whichever state you're in, you have access to the stuff in that state of being and you get to choose. You literally get to choose which state of being you're in. And, yeah, stuff will pull you out of your happy state of being and into your not happy one, and that's okay.

Speaker 1:

We want that, but just for brief periods, so that you can get clear and get more feeling good or being the way you want to be, being in a state of being that feels good to you. Nobody controls that, just you. You know, and you do have to ask yourself you know what? What do I tell myself about, how I feel or what's really going on? You know, I've found that we will. We tell ourselves how we think we look. We tell ourselves how we think other people think we look. We tell ourselves how successful we are, how important we are, how valued we are.

Speaker 1:

If you don't like what you've been telling yourself, stop telling yourself that and change to what feels good to you, because that's how Source is seeing it. When you say I'm not really good at anything that doesn't feel good because source doesn't agree with that at all, knows that to be a not-truth statement. You know, you can also think of the two-lane example that I've talked about before. Those two states of being are exactly the same as being in a left lane or a right lane. The left lane has everything you don't want. The right lane has everything you do want. You're a swirling ball of energy, born on that lane. You're going, your thoughts propel you. There's no gas pedal, there's no brake, no steering wheel. The only thing that dictates whether you're in a lane of crappy stuff is what you're giving your attention to, what you believe, what you think about. And as you think things that feel better, you gravitate into the right lane. You think things that don't feel good, you gravitate into the left lane. Not a big deal, not a problem, unless you are staying in the left lane way more often than you're dipping into the right lane.

Speaker 1:

I had a person here recently who said but Rebecca, I'm like I'm stuck in the middle of the two lanes, and I really so much appreciated our conversation about that because it's a really good point. She said I'm not unhappy, but I'm not happy either. I'm just stuck here in the middle of these two lanes. And I said so. First of all, don't tell yourself you're stuck, because if you think about it you may feel like you're stuck, but we have moments that are better, moments that aren't. It's like you wobble. You're actually just wobbling between the lanes. So you're not feeling so much of the left lane, you're not feeling so much of the right lane, but you are feeling both. You're just wobbling. And she wasn't going deep into either lane, she was just sort of wavering from the one side of the line to the other, to the other, and that's not a really great feeling.

Speaker 1:

So I said get curious. Being in the middle of the two lanes there for a while is not a bad thing at all. You're not in the left lane. You've got to give yourself credit for that. There's some honey right. Start getting curious about. But what do I want? What great lane stuff would be nice for me right now? What would feel good for me? Where's even a little bit of honey in what's going on in my life right now, and she did say I have this, that's nice, and I have this, that's nice. That's what you want to do. Keep going there, pick out the stuff that's good to really great right now, as you're being curious about, and what would I want to add to that? What am I really good at? What lights up for me in life now? Not necessarily in the past, but now.

Speaker 1:

So the second one, the other one I want to talk about is I just became determined to trust and to look for the honey in all things, all experiences, not just the positive ones. It's easy to see it there, but when life gets tough or when things look crazy in a government or in your school system or at your place of work, what is working there, though? Why might this be a catalyst for something better? How could this be something that is really working out for you? You just don't know how, yet when you start to look there, you start to find it there, and I want to say hi to Carrie in Hawaii. Thank you, carrie, for the comment that you put on my Facebook post about. Life is a little sweeter. It was a honey Facebook post. I really appreciate your feedback, your comment, so I just wanted to say hi, and it's really nice to be able to put a name with the listeners. I've noticed that there are people from Hawaii, especially specifically where you live, and so I want to thank you for listening and thank you for the comment.

Speaker 1:

So if you find something that makes you say to yourself, I don't like this, like I didn't expect this, okay, that's okay. Life has some things that we didn't see coming. That doesn't mean it's not life working out for you, though, but you have to get yourself to that place where you can think that way before you really stand much of a chance for you to get the better outcomes that are there. How could this be good for me? Ask yourself that, how could this be working out for me? And at first you might say I have no clue. Well, sniff around it a little bit, you might surprise yourself, and if you just can't come up with anything, reach out to me right, book a session with me. That's one thing I'm really good at is finding that honey, and that's important, because it's not BS honey, it's not woo-woo, foo-foo honey, it's real stuff. It's real stuff that you can identify for yourself and say, oh, I see it. And then, once you start to see it, you see how things are working out and then things work out better. So it's a nice domino effect. Another thing you can do is use your imagination skills. Your imagination changes the brain. It literally changes the brain because real and imagined are equal in the brain. There's no differentiation. You can imagine something and your brain is calculating out there for that. So it was all of creation. Because your thoughts are real, things are real things.

Speaker 1:

I was listening to a man. He has a podcast. I can't remember the name of his podcast, but his name is David Bayer, b-a-y-e-r, and he said he likes to use three columns when he finds limiting beliefs, which we all have limiting beliefs, and we can unlimit them more and more and more. And this is one way he just takes three columns on it like a sheet of paper, and the first column he'll write his limited belief, and I think you shouldn't pick it apart too much, but put your limited belief down there, like maybe I'm stuck in the middle of the two lanes. That's a belief that's limited, and then in the second column make a new decision about it and then in the second column, make a new decision about it. I'm not stuck in between these two lanes. And then in the third column he suggests that you write what evidence or what proof you have to. But I really think that we can find the evidence that that's true. And then when you do that, you just activate more and more and more evidence, right, more and more proof. So the evidence there is. Well, I mean, I have positive and I do have negative thoughts or experiences, so I'm really not stuck. I'm just gliding back and forth close to the line. But I do have control. If I tell myself I'm not stuck, then I can't be stuck.

Speaker 1:

If your limiting belief is you know life doesn't really work out for me, at least not much, then you have to make a decision about that. Life is working out for me Now. Don't get discouraged because you can't see it yet. Just make a new decision about it. No, I don't have to settle for life not working out to me. I don't have to settle for that. I'm deciding that life is now working out for me. Not, it's going to, it is. It is now, because if you say it's going to, it's always out there somewhere. Life is working out for me right now, from this moment forward, and then dig up the proof that there are things working out for you, even if they don't seem like they're big pieces of proof. Start somewhere, because you'll find yourself going. You'll find a little more. You'll find a little more. Make it a game as you go through your days. I'm going to find some proof that life is working out for me today, and you will find it. It's there, and the more you notice it, the more it's going to be there. So now you're amping up what's coming.

Speaker 1:

So, as life gets curiouser and curiouser, be mindful as often as you can and be determined to see the positives, the potentials that are here, that are right here for you. It might look ugly or scary at times, but you know this is what we came here for. This is literally what we came here for. We chose to be here right now for all of this stuff that's going on. None of us are sitting this round out. None of us are sitting on the sidelines Not one of us. We are all contributing Not just to our own personal experience, but to the whole experience. So you're doing both of those. You're in the game and your soul is just tickled pink, that you're in the game, whether you're enjoying it all the time or not.

Speaker 1:

All of creation is your inner being, is. It'd be great if you would too, as often as you can. You don't have to hit that bar every single day, all day long, just as often as you can, all day long, just as often as you can. And I think, instead of these times we're in being curious or strange, let's just see them as curious, intriguing, kind of interesting. So instead of, oh, this is strange, this might be bad, think, okay, this is interesting, how could this be good? How could this be benefiting all of us? How could this be benefiting me or my family or my dog? Because a shift in perception, a shift in the way you're looking at things that more closely or exactly matches that of source, changes everything. So a shift in mindfulness is what's happening, that's all. That's a great thing. Enjoy the journey as often as you can, and when you're not enjoying it, you can find me at mysticaltruthscom. Thank you.