Mystical Truths Podcast
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Hosted by Rebecca Troup, an accomplished teacher and intuitive life coach.
In each episode, Rebecca shares life-changing insights, stories, and guidance about why we are here and how to navigate this big world. She invites questions from guests and all who are curious.
In this accelerated time of change and conflicting information, the truths really can set you free! Let's unlock your world.
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Mystical Truths Podcast
Transgender Identity: Spiritual Questions and Insights
Kimberly joins us in this deeply moving episode to bravely share her concerns about guiding transgender children through life decisions. Her heartfelt questions lead us into a poignant discussion with Rebecca, who offers honey-full insights from a spiritual perspective. Rebecca emphasizes that each child is an eternal soul making intelligent choices, and she urges us to embrace the variety and contrast that life is about, rather than conform to societal norms. We explore the importance of supporting children in listening to their inner selves and embracing their true identities, recognizing that suppressing or dictating someone’s identity only leads to discomfort and resistance.
Continuing this exploration, we acknowledge that a decision to change a child's gender is unique to each child and should not be rushed or influenced, as this is a time a much exploration. By recognizing the diverse expressions of self, we can create a more inclusive and understanding environment. Rebecca highlights that nature itself demonstrates variability in gender roles, reminding us that these differences are a natural part of life and should be honored.
Reflecting on past practices and the evolution of understanding mental health and sexual identity, we stress the need for self-awareness and kindness. Join us in finding ease about diversity, individuality, and our unique journeys.
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Welcome to the Mystical Truths Podcast. This is Rebecca, and I'm really glad you're here. Let's unlock your world. Today I have Kimberly back with me. She has some thoughts about the transgender topic, and so welcome back, Kimberly.
Speaker 2:Hi Rebecca, thanks for having me Absolutely what's on your mind. So I had a question come up. It's been on my mind a lot lately and that was one of the reasons I contacted you, because I wanted to kind of get your take on where Spirit was at with it and I put the information out there to spirit and I feel like they have given me an answer or given me information. That's kind of brought me some peace with the whole subject. But I wanted to, you know, bring it to you and hear your thoughts on it.
Speaker 2:My main, if you could say this issue with it isn't people choosing to be transgender. I think what adults decide to do, they decide to do. But my issue with it has been the children and I'm really struggling with that because I feel like a lot of agenda is being pushed and I personally I'm human, so I have opinions and I'm entitled to them. I don't care what adults are doing in their life. I think that's whatever, whatever, but I have been really off put about what's been being done to children. So I kind of wanted to talk with you about your thoughts on that, cause I definitely have a lot of opinions on that myself as far as what I think is going on with the children and um, like I said, I did kind of put that out to spirit to kind of give me an answer, to guide me toward where this is going to lead. And um, and I'm always asking WWRS, what would Rebecca say? Oh, I've been asking that for 20 years, rebecca.
Speaker 1:Well, thank you for that.
Speaker 2:But, um, and so I was asking you know where's the honey in this? And so I feel like I've gotten some personal validation from them for where the honey is in it for me regarding the topic and how I should perhaps handle it when I'm confronted with it. But yeah, I just kind of wanted to see what you thought Spirit's thoughts were Okay and yeah, because, like I said, now I'm now more at peace with it for the information that I feel that I got from them.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, I just wanted to good hear your thoughts well, first, I think it's important for us all to remember that, no matter what physical age we are here, we're all eternal souls, so it is. It's easy for us as adults to look at kids and go and I'll wait a minute, they're kids and they haven't been here long enough to know how to navigate. But that's not necessarily true. We know before we come in what the parameters are, what our potentials are.
Speaker 1:We did a lot of picking and choosing, for good reason, before we came in and we all have that interconnection and it is easy to get talked out of it or to get conditioned to different fears and beliefs and all kinds of different ideas that people have decided, made up and decided thoughts that people have, conclusions that people have come to. And so if we remember that every child is an intelligent, mature soul and is attracting and choosing from within, is attracting and choosing from within, we will help those children to really listen to what their inner being is saying and what their own sense is, rather than twist it around with what everybody else has decided Right. And I really love that there are more people who are even maybe confused about their gender or their sexuality and speaking out loud about it Because I think it's real. I know it's really important for us to have variety here and we tend to want to decide that God or source has this thought about things and these rules and we should all follow them when that's not true.
Speaker 1:This is the world of variety and contrast, and so when we want to try to label things and say, okay, this is the right way, this is the wrong way, it's, it doesn't work out well for us because that's not true, that's not accurate, right. So we have souls, many souls, that are coming in, not just with gender issues or questions or whatever, or differences, but with other conditions, or that's not a condition, but with conditions, we'll say, that are causing them to not conform. They can't or will not conform, you know, and it's not that somebody chooses from their physical aspect to be, say, adhd or transgender, or gay or heterosexual. This is something that just is Like. It's not like kids just wake up one day and go. You know what? I think I'm just good, now, that could be. You know, we experiment, especially when we're younger.
Speaker 1:Yeah, right so it is likely that kids say, well, I do want to try this out. Well, that's fine. But still at our core there's a beingness of what our preferences are. And if our preferences are for same sex, so be it. If they're for opposite sex or both, or I have a female body but I feel male. Whatever, I think that that is a soul expressing in this lifetime and it does give people the opportunity to either accept variety or not. And when we don't accept variety, it feels really uncomfortable because that's going in a different direction than who we are as a soul, right. And when we just let people be, they relax more about it. You know, when you tell people not to be a certain way, they really want to be that way. Now. It's just like when kids are young teenagers and you say, well, don't do that. We, we forbid you to do that. They can't stop thinking about it, right, right.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And you can't tell somebody to not be who they be or to not do what's lighting up for them. Just because it doesn't make sense to you or it doesn't light up to you, it doesn't mean that it isn't part of their journey. You know no-transcript more, and I hear I do hear people talk about well, but what about the kids? Who adults who said okay, well, we'll just go ahead and change your gender then while you're a kid, because you feel like you want to be a different gender, so we'll go ahead and change it surgically or whatever, right, hormonally, and then the kids get older and go shit. I wish they wouldn't have done that because I really I thought I knew, but I didn't know, and now I can't. So it ends up being an issue where there may be others that are so glad that that happened. Right, and that's why I think there's no one answer for this.
Speaker 1:You have to look at each individual case. It's good for us, as adults, to say to kids well, what are you really feeling Like? What does this really feel like to you? And if there seems to be some wobble in it, then wait a while. Let's not keep our mind about it. Let's not go for things that are so drastic.
Speaker 1:So I don't think that we can make one law, because laws never fit everybody. So we can't make one law that says, okay, we're going to draw the line at like 13. If you're 13, then maybe you can go through some of these changes or we'll accept even without physical changes. We'll accept this or we'll accept that I think we just need to love everybody from where they're at and take each person's unique situation for what it is. Right, that person's one unique, that soul's one unique journey and make decisions around that. You know, and that's why I I love that people are in a lot of different ways, just being who they be, and too bad if you don't like it. Right, because that's the only way we're really going to get to an unconditional love is more than we've ever been on this planet is to have enough people. Because in the past I mean, this isn't new, this is what's so funny about it.
Speaker 1:This is not new. It's been here for probably ever and people were out about it in the past.
Speaker 1:Right, right, and then they went in a closet about it for a long time, right, and you had to be a certain way, and that is so uncomfortable to have to try to be somebody that you really don't want to be or you have to hide what you really want, and that that can even go as far as, like, I have to be an attorney or whatever, but I really want to be an artist. So it's not just like the gender or sexuality thing, it's all over the place, and this is just another ingredient here that's helping us understand unconditional love. Yeah, and the fact that we are all calling everything into us. We're calling the shots. Every single person is calling their own shots, whether they realize it or not, and the more we understand that, the more we realize.
Speaker 1:At every age we are attracting. We're attracting in the womb, we're attracting as infants, and we're never doing that alone. We have our inner being, which is the rest of us that's not physically focused right now, and we have all of those who guide us and love us. So we're never doing it alone. But we do have free will here, so we can make this as difficult or as easy as we will allow, and neither one is more right or more wrong than the other one.
Speaker 1:Right, you know a rough journey here is not a bad thing. You know, there's a lot that comes out of that.
Speaker 2:I know, I agree with that for sure. Oh, that's all really good thoughts and and and you know, advice on the matter. I agree with it on the matter, I agree with it. You know, again, I I have no, like I don't care what people do, you know? I know just, we had the furries.
Speaker 2:The furry convention was in town this past weekend and a lot of people were like super annoyed. They're like, oh my God, what's wrong with these people? Blah, blah, blah, and like I thought it was great, I mean, I would never do it. I don't understand it, but you know, I'd be the first person to be driving down the road and see one of them and wave to them because I think it's fun, they're having fun, they're literally having fun. So I don't care, it doesn't bother me, you know.
Speaker 2:And it's hard because and not that I agree with all the rules and stuff but, like you know, we have all these rules of like you can't drive till you're 16. You can't, you know, get your ears pierced without your parental consent. You can't drink alcohol till you're 21. And I think I was just really struggling in that moment of these children, cause I know as a child myself that I think if I might have been presented with that option, that I would have been like oh yeah, that's why I'm not so feminine, I'm more masculine. You know what I mean, and I could definitely see me like reaching for that because, like I was so depressed and I was so sad and I didn't have anything else.
Speaker 2:But it's hard for me because I also see the bigger picture of what you just said, with spirit of like this is all fine, it'll all work out the way it needs to work out, and sometimes I think that it gets really difficult. Do you know that saying ignorance is bliss, sure, um, do you know that saying ignorance is bliss Sometimes? I think that that's true because sometimes I get so like caught in between my humanness and then that spiritual part of like okay, like you just need to relax. This is all happening with a purpose, like everyone's own individual purpose, uh, the collective souls as a purpose. And yeah, I just struggle with that sometimes you know, but.
Speaker 2:But I did feel like I got more clarity on it. I mean, I still I have to be honest, I still, as a human being in a human body, I don't feel that children should be able to make this decision. I also, from that spiritual perspective, know that they'll be okay.
Speaker 1:Absolutely Every soul is okay. Nothing here breaks a soul, ruins a soul, destroys a soul or throws a soul off its course. We just have to get real clear about the fact that sometimes, some other things and many other things that are going on on this planet are none of our business. And because there's so many diverse journeys here and if something catches our attention, like this one, like it just made you think about it, right, well then then it's for you, for right now. This is something that is good for you to think about, right.
Speaker 1:And like you said, what would it have been like when you were young if those thoughts would have been more thinkable, if they would have been more open? Would it have helped you understand yourself better? I'm sure it would have. Is there a reason why it's coming to you now instead of back then? Yeah, yes, yes, and when we were younger, the issues that we had, the questions that we had, the frustrations that we had all were jumping off. Points to what's happening now, right, and that's always the case. So we're all leading edge and we're all a reason why things become the way they become, right.
Speaker 2:And so when I kind of put it out there to spirit, I got a couple of things that you, that you touched on, I got.
Speaker 2:It's not really like, it's not for me. So like I mean, it's not my business, I guess you know, and I have to find a way to when, when I'm, when people are trying to suck me into something that doesn't feel comfortable to me or that I'm not interested in, say no, that's just not for me, I don't agree with it, whatever, like you do you, I don't know. You know what I mean, because I get really frustrated when I always feel like so put upon with other people's. I feel like I'm okay with saying to people fine, you do you, but then other people aren't okay with me doing me. People find you do you, but then other people aren't okay with me doing me. So I feel like for me it was just more or less trying to find a way to get to that point. But I also felt like Spirit was saying to me you know, look, like you said, we've been here before. We go through these cycles and we don't know until we know, and, like you said, there will be kids that regret it, that are not happy with it, that feel like it didn't work out for them, and then that will be their jumping off point to do other things in their life, whatever, maybe because of it, and there's going to be people that it was the best thing that they could have ever done, right? So, yeah, I get that. Yeah, it just it was just I was having such a time with it because it just kept coming up and I kept getting.
Speaker 2:But, like you said, and I realized what you're saying is because I was looking at it as this information is put out there and for every lonely child and I think I was looking at it as this information is put out there and for every lonely child, and I think I was really thinking of myself as a child too. Every loan this is for like every lonely child is like oh, I could be in this group, oh, I can do this, I could do that. And I'd also talked to a 16 year old boy recently who who said to me he'd been so annoyed with school and with the kids at school and he said a lot of these kids he's like they're not trans, they're not this, they're not that, they're just trying to fit in. And that's where I think it just set me off, because I remembered my own personal experiences of, like, where do I fit in, where do I belong, what group should I be in? Like how should I behave?
Speaker 2:And yeah, it's just, it's just hard. Like I'm always trying to put myself in check. I knew, I knew what you were gonna say about it. I, it's always like, I just need to hear it.
Speaker 1:I mean I swear that.
Speaker 2:That's. That's why I like listening to your podcast, like more than once, like multiple times, we learn repetition I mean, and I sometimes I think to myself like when will I ever get to that point? And I won't, because that's just life, right, that like I don't need to keep hearing it, that I'll like have already gotten it, but um anyways, you know, and Source tells us, that diversity, diversity is the platform from which all evolution springs forth.
Speaker 1:That's a Abraham.
Speaker 1:Hicks quote Diversity is a platform from which all evolution springs forth. So we wanted this diversity. We still want it.
Speaker 1:Some people think they don't, but that doesn't feel good because that's not true at a soul level. And when we think about you know, I hear people say, well, god made male and female and that's the way it's supposed to be, and you just have to suck it up and become the person that we think you should be because of the decisions that we've made around it, and that we think you should be because of the decisions that we've made around it, when, if we look into nature, that source that God made some creatures male, who can then change gender and become female, right, right or female, and they change to male, some genderless as far as we can tell, right, you know. So there are many examples in nature that should be reminding us that there is not one way and there are differences that are unique, maybe to one group of species or one group of people, or whatever the case may be, but we, you know we can't. People or whatever the case may be, but we, you know, we can't. I don't see why we people think that it is a good idea that they make the judgment call on this stuff. Right, because I also hear people say God doesn't make any junk, god doesn't make any mistakes.
Speaker 1:Well then, what the hell are we talking about then? Right? Right, because if you're saying that somebody who's trans or gay or whatever is wrong or junk or a mistake, well then you just contradicted yourself, right? You know right. And there's a lot of confusion that comes out of this because, like you said, you know, kids may be just experimenting, they be maybe wondering, right, they may just want to try some things out. We all did it when we were growing up. We tried things out, some things that we look back on and go, oh right, some things that you look back and you think, oh, I'm so glad I tried that or I went that right at first right first people thought it was bad, but it wasn't, and you know.
Speaker 1:But just to show you like we have so many terms now like lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and trans, queer and questioning intersex, asexual or agender, meaning one more agenda, agenda to spirit. Um, did I? I think I missed a couple. Yeah, so you get it. There's there are a lot of.
Speaker 1:There are a lot of terms that we're using Intersex is another one, um, I think I mentioned that one. But there are a lot of terms that are coming up and people are are creating these terms to try to express where they're at with it or who they really believe themselves to be Right. And we have to remember too, we're not this person, we're a soul who is in this role right now, sort of taking this part on, and these are just part of the parameters of it. So, yeah, let's, let's, let's come up with all kinds of words and and describe how this person feels or how that person is, or whatever. So what, if we just give up the judgment, then for the most part, we won't have a problem with all of this stuff. If somebody doesn't like all of those words, fine, you don't have to like them, they're not your words. Then Right.
Speaker 1:Those words are for somebody else because it fits them. It helps them relate to who they are right now, and I mean right now.
Speaker 2:So I have a question about that. So I think, like I've expressed this to you so many times, my issue is never what other people think or feel, because I mean, I, of all people, have lived a life that is very different from everybody else around me, right? You know, living as far as religion goes and schooling and all that stuff. I mean, I always did the opposite of what everyone else around me was doing. So I don't care about stuff like that.
Speaker 2:But what I always was up against and again, maybe this is just my own attraction, I don't know to this but is when people are demanding that you refer to them in a certain way, like the they, them thing, or like that's confusing and it's. It's like, oh my gosh, like I have to stop and think about this now, because this isn't normally, normally talk, and I just I don't understand, like why stop trying to force me to like, be what you want me to be? I love you for who you are. I'm having a conversation with you, I think you're lovely, but why are you trying so hard to make me be on your side? Because I don't care if you're not on my side. That's cool, and I think that's where. That's just another area that I really struggle with.
Speaker 1:Area that I really struggle with. Well, because you know everybody wants to be loved and to be accepted and to be understood and that's not always going to be the case. But I agree, you know, if, like, I don't like to be called a psychic, Right, I just don't like the word because it's become so many different.
Speaker 1:I don't like the word God. I mean not that I don't, it's wonderful but I don't like using it because of all of the different interpretations of that word. Right? So if somebody uses the word God or psychic, it doesn't make me upset. Right, they can use whatever words they want. I have preferences, though Right, words they want. I have preferences, though Right. So I won't force anybody to use those words, because, because I'm not trying to convince anybody, right? You know, if I'm some sort of sexual, whatever way, and I really want people to accept that and to get me, want people to accept that and to get me, then I'm, I'm sort of upside down in it, aren't I? Yeah, because if we have it has to start it's always an inside job.
Speaker 1:It has to start with us first. We have to find our acceptance. We have to find our our just our footing with it. And once we just become okay with whatever sexual preference we have or whatever body type, however we want to dress, once we're okay with that, it's not such an issue out there, it really isn't. If I went around really being paranoid, that people are going to call me psychic, then I would be having a lot of problems with that.
Speaker 1:I would be stirring that up without even trying to, just because I have that strong opinion about it. Right, I know who I am and I know what I believe and I know how I would, how I describe myself Right. And I think it's fair for anybody to say I'm not male, female, I'm not hetero, homo, sexual, trans. I just am who I am. Right. Sometimes I dress like this, sometimes I dress like that, sometimes I feel more feminine, sometimes I feel more masculine.
Speaker 1:You know, we get so people get so caught up in trying to figure life out that they forget to figure themselves out Right, and there's no real figuring even in that, it's more a just allowing. If we can just allow ourselves to be who we be, then if I prefer to be called her and somebody calls me him, I won't care, I won't care, right, and then when we the closer we get to that across the board, the more people are just going to be fine with calling you him If you want to be called him, or her if you want to be called, it's just going to happen.
Speaker 1:And it's going to be more natural because, right, nobody likes to be forced to do something, whether, no matter which side of the table you're on. Right, if I'm transgender, I don't want you to force me to not be, but if I'm preferring different pronouns, I don't want you to force me into using particular pronouns. Now, once you don't feel forced to use certain pronouns, you don't have a problem with using those pronouns for the most part.
Speaker 2:I agree with that 100%. You really hit the know on the head with that, because I am definitely an accommodating type of person and I don't know where my anger comes from. But now I realize that it's that force, because otherwise I'll use the word disconnection but there's no real such thing, it's just a further away connection from source.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because it just shows us that we're getting too super focused outside of ourselves and we're getting too wrapped up in the quagmire of what other people have going on. Yeah, and we are therefore further away from our connection to who we really are, to our source. So that's just good information. When something makes us angry or frustrated or or pissed off or whatever, we just have to say to ourselves it's okay, I'm allowed to be angry or I'm allowed to be frustrated right now, but I don't want to stay there, because this is just information that says to me oh, I have just gone so far away from my connection that I'm starting to see things differently here than I really see from the inside of me, and so that's going to happen. So when it happens, we just want to reel ourselves back in, bring it back home.
Speaker 1:Ask yourself, like, what does my inner being say about this? What really feels good to me about this? Because I don't think it truly feels good to anybody to hate somebody else, to want somebody else to change it. No, you can't. People can't change enough to make an angry person happy or to feel better. If you look out there in the world and you say, all right, forget Source. I don't even know if Source knows what it's talking about.
Speaker 1:I'm just going to let you all know I need you to be like this and I need you to be like that and I need you to stop that, and I need you to start this and I need you to go over there and I need you to play with those people and I want you to be like that and I need you to stop that and I need you to start this and I need you to go over there and I need you to play with those people and I want you to talk like this and I want you to wear these clothes. Do you see how insane that is? Oh yeah, I know, right, I agree, because everybody would have a different opinion about that. Some may be similar, but we would have so many about things that they think should be a certain way Right. And if you don't behave like that, well then we've got to do something with you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's kind of like in our prisons. We have the majority of people in prison, have mental health issues and or drug addiction or some kind of addiction, right, and so it's become a good idea, we think, to lock them up, put them all together and lock them up and see how that goes, right. But there are places around this country and elsewhere where, instead of that, they will take nonviolent I'll use criminals. Because what?
Speaker 1:other but nobody really. Nobody really is. And they take these individuals and they put them on farms and they say, okay, no cell phones for now. You're going to pitch in, you don't have to do this, you can stay in jail or we're going to give you the option you can go and work on the farm. Right, and I saw this was actually a Kennedy interview that he did with a bunch of people that are in this scenario, because this is his solution.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think I've seen that.
Speaker 1:Which is a very good solution. And he just sat down and he talked with them and he said so how is this working? Like what do you think? And every single one of them said I'm a new person. I am such a new person Because now I like, I have time to think with my own mind. I have time, I'm recognizing that I can accomplish things. They're not just teaching them how to farm, they're teaching them how to build and have skills, and they feel worthy, they feel valued, they feel loved, they cook for each other, they build things for each other. They, you know like they all work together and it's changing them from the inside out.
Speaker 1:And that's true love, that's true compassion, that's why that's why that feels good.
Speaker 1:Does it work for every single person? Probably not, but that's okay, that's their journey. They may do better in a jail cell, right. But you know, I think we should at least have the compassion to look at somebody who is maybe confused or angry or violent or different than us, and be able to say it's okay that you're different than me, right. Like I don't know why you're choosing the things that you're choosing. Like you want to dress like that. I don't know why you're choosing it, but okay, if it works for you, you seem to be happy. So when we don't do that, that's when we start to get really confused people, really frustrated and angry on the inside people, because they get further and further and further and further away from their connection to source. And the further away we get, the more miserable we become and then our life becomes.
Speaker 1:So why would we want to try to trap people in that and say, just because you don't dress the way I want you to dress? And say just because you don't dress the way I want you to dress, you're bad, you're wrong, you need to be dealt with. Right. That, just. It makes absolutely no sense to me. What is? Do we really think that? That's what Source would?
Speaker 2:have to say Right, no, I agree. I agree with all that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Definitely I mean you know all that. Definitely I mean you know.
Speaker 1:And two, you know, kimberly, with the children. Another thing to remember is Source is paying attention to them as well and guiding them. Like I said, on the inside, they're mature, intelligent souls, right? So this is a co-creative thing that we have going on here at every age and with every different type of person on this planet, and the more we begin to trust the synchronistic blending of what's going on, the less we will try to put our claws in it and make it what we think it should be Right. And we're doing that. We're doing better at that. We're getting better and better. So we do have a lot of things out in the air right now that haven't been out there before, and so they're going to be out there loud and proud for a while, because that's what we've always done in history. When women were finally allowed to like vote or be, they got loud and proud for a while, right? And then everybody relaxed about it. There was a lot of back and forth, agreement, disagreement. You know, we're just people are fickle.
Speaker 1:Yeah, in a sense, or at least can be. And the more that we get closer to our true self, which is a loving, compassionate self and nonjudgmental because you can't be loving and compassionate and judgmental at the same time, right the more we get in touch with that, and that's why I love that we're teaching like mindfulness to children. Meditation, just bringing your attention to your body and to where your soul is and just be there, just just for a few moments, just be in that space. It makes all the difference for these kids. Just that little bit of stuff, right?
Speaker 1:And then, and then that's going to serve them for the rest of their lives and it's going to serve all of us, because the more we have children finding their peace at a younger age, the better. This whole thing is going to get Right. You know, I've probably said before on the podcast. I hear people on Facebook saying oh well, when we were kids, we had to stay out until 8 o'clock and we got beat if we did this and we had to drink from the hose. Right, we rode in the back of pickup trucks and you know so and we're. We all grew up. We got yelled at, we got smacked, we got abused, but we all turned out fine.
Speaker 1:And you know, it just makes me laugh because I think, no, you didn't Stop and think for a minute. No, you did not. You're all. You're mean to each other, you're abusive to your children. Maybe I don't know we are getting better, but I think it's. It's important for us to say the past is the past. You know there were there. I know it's still happening, but there were times where it was much more common for somebody who was sexually different to get beat up or even killed because of it.
Speaker 1:Right, right, right or to get locked up or whatever the case may be, and more learning that that does not work.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, I, I definitely I agree with that and I it kind of when I kind of put that out to spirit to like calm me down because I was so riled up about it um, the information that I feel that I got was that, as you said, like we've been in this place in history before, right, this is all like a cycle. We go through it and each time we gain more knowledge than the time before. And, yeah, it kind of brought me to the past, I don't know. I guess it was like in the 1940s, 1950s, when they were doing lobotomies on people. And I did a lot of research on that and I remember my daughter and I went to a museum at an asylum it's an old asylum, it's now like a tourist attraction and there was a whole area where they were showing like where they did lobotomies and about the lobotomies. There was a whole area where they were showing like where they did lobotomies and about the lobotomies and everyone was standing there like, oh my god, like you know, you can't believe we did this and I didn't realize until I researched it that the majority of the men that were given lobotomies was because they were gay and they really believed that that would be the thing that would fix them.
Speaker 2:And it didn't. Obviously it didn't. And not only did it not fix them, it caused them permanent damage and very few people had success with lobotomies for whatever reason they were given them. But it kind of brought my awareness to that of saying, look, you know we've done down this path of this is what's going to fix something. And then you know we've learned from it and this is kind of where things are at right now and, like you said, it's it's, it's a cycle. I mean, eventually this will kind of and eventually this will kind of. I guess for me it was the knowledge of knowing that I was so riled up about it because I was thinking these kids are just depressed, like they just need something and they're not getting it and so they're choosing something that they're later than regretting. Like I'd watch video after video after video and what I saw was that older people who had gender reassignment seemed like it was really successful for them, they were happy with their choice, and there was a lot of videos of kids that were in their 20s going.
Speaker 2:This just wasn't what I needed and I guess I was like okay, you know what, this is their journey, it's not my journey, it's their journey. Right, is their journey. It's not my journey, it's their journey. It will be for them what it's going to be and there'll be so many great things to be learned for everybody from all of this. And it's not a bad thing that people are having more acceptance and kindness around the issue. Having more acceptance and kindness around the issue.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, well, I think it's important to remember when you get riled up about something anything it's good to think to yourself there's something really good here. Right, there's a reason why I'm riled up. I don't want to stay here, but I am looking for the honey. Yeah, there has to be a reason. There's something in this for me. There's some new insight, some new data, whatever it might be, but there is something here for me, or wouldn't be here, so I'm really curious now.
Speaker 1:But now you're not so riled up, now you're curious, now you can see honey and you get to see the point why all of this stuff is here, why all of this happens, why we go through it all. It's easy to look out there and really question why in the world does that need to be part of what we're doing here? Right, you know, with people being so judgmental or with you know whatever, but again you know it comes back to it's just none of our business. Then, if it's somebody else's stuff, if it's not hurting you, if it's not trying to control you or whatever, and and frankly you know, if we feel controlled or whatever, that's on us.
Speaker 2:Right, because that's not really possible.
Speaker 1:We have to get that permission Right? No, I agree with you. If we truly trust that that nothing controls us, then nothing can. But sometimes it's a hard that that's a far reach for some people.
Speaker 2:Oh no, I agree. I mean. That's why I said I feel like I have this awareness, yet I still really struggle with that.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I, I'm always trying, yeah and tell yourself I don't struggle with it, because then you always struggle with it. Okay, Just say to yourself sometimes I just learn more about it.
Speaker 2:Right, that's a good one. I'm going to write that down.
Speaker 1:Yeah, if you think sometimes I know I don't have all the data, because that's what the struggle feels like it's just the fact that there's more data and you don't necessarily have access to it right now, right, usually because we're pinching it off.
Speaker 1:So anytime we tell ourselves we struggle with anything, we're going to keep struggling with it. But if we can relax in that and say there are times where it just kind of gets to me because there's some kind of honey that I'm not seeing or there's something that I'm not understanding about it, so I'll know when I know I'm always gathering more information and more understanding and more clarity. We should never think that we have to get to a place where we have all the clarity and then we're good. That's not going to happen while you're in your human body, because everything's eternal. There's always going to be more. But I think you know if we can look at anything, especially like with the kids, and we think, okay, but where's the honey in that? Right, because there there always is. But when we're frustrated, we won't see it. That the frustration is just feedback from source that says well, in that thought that you're in right now, you're not going to see it, so find your ease, and then you'll see it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's good, that's good advice, it's good stuff. I agree, yeah.
Speaker 1:And you know, while it's on my mind the whole honey thing, I noticed that there's a listener from Waterford, ireland, and I love Ireland, I have Irish in me. I think Ireland's just amazing. I've never been there, but I thought let me just look this up. Yeah, waterford Ireland. And so, as I Googled it, they had some images, some pictures. The second image was a place called the Viking Triangle and on the front of the building there was a whole painting there and the main thing in the painting was a large bumblebee. Oh nice, I thought, wow, isn't that interesting. So whoever you are at Waterford, I'd love to know who you are, and I just thought that was so cold. There's another bee sign, just because I was curious and I thought I don't know, let me see what Waterford looks like. And there's a bee. Second image in.
Speaker 2:That's nice. I've actually been to Waterford a couple of times.
Speaker 1:It's kind of nice, I like it. You should go yeah.
Speaker 2:I have a friend there. Yeah, there you go, right.
Speaker 1:So thank you. Whoever's listening there in Waterford, I really appreciate you and this this is a nice talk. I think you know, when we can understand that this world is full of different, different, different, different, then we'll stop trying to make it same same same. Okay that people disagree. It's okay that people have completely different outlooks than other people.
Speaker 1:It has to be that way, so it's important that we stop trying to not make it be that way. That was the intention. This is the planet you came to to have experiences on and with, so the more ease we find in it, the more honey we'll see and the better this life will be for all of us. But we cannot speak to anybody else's journey. We can only look through our own unique perspective, Right.
Speaker 1:And hold our own counsel as we're doing that, and then we'll have a much better ride here. That's good stuff. So there we are Peace to all the genders and sexual preferences, and people in prison, out of prison. People that disagree with me, people that agree with me, it's all good. It's all here for a reason, all right. So I think that's all we have to say about that. Yeah, thank you, kimberly, for joining me again. You're welcome. It's always a reason All right. So I think that's all we have to say about that. Yeah, thank you, kimberly, for joining me again. You're welcome. It's always a pleasure. You're always so much fun to talk with. Thanks for having me. And to all of you out there, you can find me at mysticaltruthscom. Thank you.