Mystical Truths Podcast
Welcome to Mystical Truths Podcast.
A show about how the core truths of life can unlock the relief and ease we all want. No fluff. Just honest, relaxed talks about "the stuff of life", intuition, happiness, calming your mind, life now, life after life, LOA, your inner being, and so much more.
Hosted by Rebecca Troup, an accomplished teacher and intuitive life coach.
In each episode, Rebecca shares life-changing insights, stories, and guidance about why we are here and how to navigate this big world. She invites questions from guests and all who are curious.
In this accelerated time of change and conflicting information, the truths really can set you free! Let's unlock your world.
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Mystical Truths Podcast
Unlock Your Vibrational Escrow!
What if the key to real-izing what you desire lies not in physical toil, but in changing your vibrational state? Welcome to the Mystical Truths Podcast, where I, Rebecca, unpack the truth of vibrational escrow as taught by Abraham through Esther Hicks. This episode promises to enlighten you on how to align with your vortex of creation, allowing desires to flow effortlessly into your reality. Through personal stories and practical insights, we'll explore how being in a state of non-resistance and sweet vibration can lead to see-able transformations.
Join me as we journey into the world of vibrational alignment, where thoughts and feelings purposefully chosen can shape your destiny. Discover the empowering daily practice I call "my daily med," a blend of meditation, exercise, and daydreaming, designed to keep your frequency high and your resistance low. Plus, I invite you to help shape future offerings by sharing your preferences for online course content and more. Together, let's unlock the potential of our vibrational reality!
Lotsa love to:
Esther Hicks/Abraham
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Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
for the music. Much appreciated!
(AI generated notes) Welcome to the Mystical Truths Podcast. This is Rebecca, and I'm really glad you're here. Let's unlock your world.
Rebecca:You have an escrow account that you may not be aware of, because it's a vibrational escrow of everything you've desired. Let me explain.
Rebecca:For many years, I've studied the teachings of Abraham. If you're not familiar, Abraham is a group of souls in non-physical, for which a person Esther Hicks translates, which means she quiets her mind and allows their communication to be shared with us. It's also called channeling, because it is literally being a channel. So it's simply receiving waves of thought and finding the word equivalent for them, and we're all doing it. It's just some are doing it more directly and on purpose, and Esther is definitely one of the best. So Abraham talks about a vibrational being-ness or reality. that they often call your escrow or your vortex, an his is of everything that you have had a want for or a desire for your whole physical life and before. So this is the stuff that you've created by having a desire for it. Just because it isn't in your physical world doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, because they tell us that everything that you have desired is real and is vibrating and is available to you if you allow it to be. So there's the trick right there... "if you allow it to be. But it is good to know that it's there. There's so much more in your escrow or in your vortex than you can remember. So knowing that is really nice, it sounds great. But it can be frustrating if you don't know how to allow or how to access your vortex. Because we hear Abraham say over and over just get into your vortex, get in there where your escrow is. And I do, and I know this, I teach this. But just a little while back I read a quote from Abraham from their Getting Into the Vortex Guided Meditations User Guide. That added a whole new layer of understanding exactly what they mean and how it works. So I'll read the quote and then I'll explain. So this is Abraham.
Rebecca:"Even though this vortex that we speak of cannot be found on physical maps and is not indicated by physical signposts, it is a reality that exists just the same. It is your vibrational reality and you can tell when you enter your vortex by the way you feel. You can tell by the way roadmap or signpost to your vortex. All cooperative components to the furthermost expanded version of you have been gathered by the law of attraction and are held in a timeless, spaceless, ever readiness for your access and utilization in your vortex of creation. But if you are to become a cooperative component to your own vortex and to all the wonderful things that have been gathered there, you must be a vibrational match to your vortex. In other words, you too must have a high frequency and you too must be without resistance. E o q.
Rebecca:So the golden nugget there, aside from the fact that this vortex is real and it exists, b the golden nugget of understanding, adding that extra layer of understanding, is "when you enter and when you exit. Because as I read those words, I got a real-time experience. It was a visual and a sensing and an experiencing experience of entering a changed frequency. I could see and feel I was right there and nothing else changed. I was standing in a room looking at my cell phone where the quote was, and I could experience, in a visual, sensing, feeling way, the vibrational shift from being out of the vortex to being in the vortex. It's a dimensional shift, is the best way I can describe it, because there's nowhere to go. Nothing changes in your world. Everything looks the same. You feel a little different, maybe a lot different, but you can look around and you don't see anything that has changed. But what has changed is your point of attraction. You are now vibrating at a higher frequency, at a non-resistant frequency, and the only thing that made the being a shift in frequency. So it can be a very subtle thing, but I think it's really important that's a big piece of this to be able to understand that getting into your vortex or getting to where your escrow is isn't anywhere you go, and it's nothing that you have to l get somehow. It's just something that you have to be different about.
Rebecca:We have to be in a vibrational range that matches the things that we want, that matches the things that feel good to us, the things that we want. T Because if we're not in that vibrational range, we are in a resistant range, we're in a lower frequency range and we are attracting the things that are in that range. We're allowing those things to be seen by us, to be present in our reality. So it's a difference of what shows up for you and what you can notice, because you can be in an out-of-vortex vibration and the things that you want can be right there, but you won't see them or they just won't sync up into your days. You can be in your vortex vibration, your world looks the same for a minute, but now what's happening is the things that you like, the things that you desire, can be seen by you, can be experienced by you, and are being synchronized up in a way that they become real in this reality that we know.
Rebecca:So this is similar to the two lane analogy that I received from them a long time ago, because that, saying that you know if you're in a good feeling space, you're in the right lane, where everything you want is, but it's very easy to just drift into that left lane where there are things that you do not desire or, better said, the lack of what you want is in that other lane. S You just sort of shift from one to the other, and so the same thing here. So maybe two different ways to relate to how this really works. When we have glided vibrationally into a state of being that feels good, that emotional guidance system that they talked about is letting us know If we don't feel so good, that guidance system is letting us know that we have vibrated out. So let me go back to their quote for just a second, just part of it.
Rebecca:S hey said even though this vortex that we speak of cannot be found on physical maps, it is a reality just the same. Just like to our eyes oxygen doesn't seem to be a reality, but yet we breathe it in. They say it is your vibrational reality. You can tell when you enter by the way you feel and you can tell when you exit by the way you feel. So how do I know if I'm in that vortex escrow stuff- -?? how do I know if I'm in that space, that state I feel good? How Ifeelgood-How How. How How How How How How How How I know when I'm not attracting, when I'm not going to synchronize up to k the b things that d g I H d? I k know w because I I n feel a good. w How I do n I g know t when s I'm u not t attracting t t t not r w synchronize up to the things that I really want? I know because I don't feel good, I feel insecure, I feel unhopeful, I feel defeated, you feel just blah.
Rebecca:When you're feeling any of those ways, what they called your personal, precise emotional guidance system is the only effective roadmap. It's really the way to know if you're in a being space that's going to work out well for you or a being space that is not going to work out, or at least has the lack of what you're looking for on any topic, and I believe that we come in and out of our vortex all day long. So the idea here is to pay attention and be in your vortex with all that escrowed stuff more often than not. We didn't come here to be in it completely all the time. I think that's sort of life outside of the physical world. But we came into this world of contrast to look at things and see things that we don't want, so that we can form more clear understanding of what we do want, which is escrowed for us. So that unwanted lane or that out of the vortex time or space is fine. It's really, really helpful.
Rebecca:But what is hard about life is not knowing this, when you don't know that your emotions are giving you real-time feedback as to exactly whether you're in or out of your vortex of creation, whether you're syncing up with the things that you want or not. And you know a Abraham has even said many times you don't have to be in the vortex on the topic of the thing that you want most and stay in there, and stay in there until you get it. They say get in there for any reason and all of the things that you want will synch because because you're where they exist. So if you find anything to feel good about, if you think about anything that you really like and you do this very often during your days you are in that vibrational being-ness more often than not, which means you are synchronizing up with more and more and more as your days go on, of the things that really match what you want.
Rebecca:Y k, And it is important to note, that we can't be in and out at the same time. You can't be in one lane and also be in the other lane at the same time. It's one or the other. So when we have that feedback that tells us exactly where we're at, that's really good data and it's good to know that that's what's going on. That's why we feel 'not good. That's why when you say to yourself, you know I'm really stupid, it doesn't feel good because the emotional guidance system that you have, that's receiving feedback from source, is clearly saying we don't agree. When you think t l you can't have the health that you want, you just can't get better, that doesn't feel good because source does not agree with that. Source is not seeing that that way.
Rebecca:So the key to being in your vortex of creation is thinking on purpose and feeling good on purpose. More often than not it's so simple, and isn't it nice to know that, like I said, there's way more in that state of being than you can remember having a desire for or putting in there. So it's really good to know that we don't have to remember everything that we've desired. We don't have to keep a notepad of the things that we want. We don't have to write these things down. It's all in there and the versions that match you now can be made real by you. So here's why that can be difficult for us, I t because many people have been taught to think life can't be that simple.
Rebecca:This just can't be that simple and be true, and or many people believe it to be hard because their habits of thinking out of the vortex thoughts have a long history and a lot of powerful momentum. It can take a little bit of really conscious paying attention to start to turn those habits into new habits, different habits. Abraham tells us a habit is just a thought. you keep thinking and that's why y k I always say think on purpose because you can, and then stick with it. Consistency will get you over that hurdle. if there is one, Think to yourself, I'm shifting frequency, I'm shifting dimensions, at will, y k.
Rebecca:A I think on purpose a lot, but I wanted to amp it up. I wanted w to t But B I wanted w to t amp a it i up u I wanted to just because I felt that extra layer of understanding that was added. We have this desire, or need, I guess, or maybe habit, of wanting to do something to get a result. And they do say the only thing we really have to do is find nice thoughts, find good things to think about as often as possible, which is true. I wanted a little more of a doing thing, and so I received what I call my daily med.
Rebecca:Every day, for 15 minutes doesn't have to be exact. I meditate, exercise and daydream, not one w right after the other, necessarily, and meditation is just bringing your attention to the energy, the space where you're at and being there. Just be there a n think t n a y d, pay attention to your breathing, if you want, a It's a way to give your inner being, your inner self, 15 minutes of your attention, which can do a lot for the whole rest of your day. So it doesn't have to be any fancy meditation. You can even walk in nature and just enjoy nature for 15 minutes. That's a meditation. Exercise doesn't mean you have to work out if that's not what you're into, but just move.
Rebecca:Give your physical body 15 minutes of your attention s When you're moving your body, don't be thinking about other things. Pay attention to your body, get in touch with your body. Get in tune with your body. Listen to what it tells you. Our bodies are a talking machine. They tell us if we are off course or if we've been thinking or paying attention to things that aren't going to work. Our body talks to us through pains and aches and things like that. And t Daydream
Rebecca:A. a Give Here's 15 minutes of your attention t to I your g most t powerful r creating n tool, daydreaming from 1. April creating tool, ", visualizing Daydreaming is the better word because it's playful, it's light, it has good stuff in it when you daydream about the things that you like, whether you have them right now or not, because what you already have that you like is in your vortex. The vortex isn't just about things that you don't have. It contains all the things that you currently have and are experiencing in this physical reality that you like. So I would recommend don't change anything else, just meditate, exercise and daydream 15 minutes each, or 10 or whatever every day, every other day. And when you're not doing those things, think on purpose, because you can Think of things that feel good. It's fun, it makes life easy. It makes a big difference, especially if you have negative thinking habits that you want to let go of.
Rebecca:Abraham also there's another quote from Abraham that I'm going to read now. It's from 1997, april 19th of 1997. They say the universe does not know or care whether the vibration that you're offering is in response to something you are living right now and observing, or in response to something you are living right now and observing, or in response to something you are imagining. In either case, the universe accepts it W s So of attraction and matches it. And so they mean that whether you're in or out of your vortex, that's happening. What you are observing, believing thinking is being matched constantly. And it's really good to know that that matching process does not differentiate between whether it's your reality or your imagination, because it's not looking for your words, it's not looking into your life, it's simply matching your vibrational state of being. It's synchronizing everything around you, in you, of you. It's synchronizing all that with like vibration and that's why they said you too must have a high frequency and you too must be without resistance. High frequency just means feel good Without resistance, means believing that you really can have the health that you want, or the relationship, the career, the family, the neighbors, the career, the family, the neighbors, the money.
Rebecca:Whatever it is that you have desires about, you can get the better versions of those. And people say, well, what about the school system? I can't change the school system. Yes, we do have an effect. When we are thinking poorly of it, we're not helping. When we're realizing that there are better versions, we're helping y k actually changing the outcomes w We're adding to the positivity, the collective positivity. We'll say so when we complain about things in our life or in the world in general. Are we helping or are we adding to the unwanted? Pretty easy to figure that out.
Rebecca:So what's in your escrow? I think it's fun to think about that. Like, what have I put into my escrow over these years? Because, like I said, the things that you already have, that you like, are there, as well as because the things that you really like right now but don't currently have in the physical, you know. As far as well health goes, they tell us that it takes the body longer to get out of good health than it does to get back into good health.
Rebecca:So do you writing that vibrating on purpose will make a h difference f w it will help you realize or make real the things that you want, that you currently don't experience? I say, try it, prove it to yourself, have fun with it Because, like I always say, isn't fun the best thing to have? When you're having fun? You're in your vortex, you're syncing up with the stuff in your escrow. It just starts to show up to the degree at which you expect it or will believe. You know, and fun's easy to have.
Rebecca:While I was reading the outline for this talk, I had fun with. I was sitting on my patio. I had intuitive coaching fun with two squirrels, three honeybees and a mud bee. So having fun is not hard. Being in your vortex isn't either. So now i t i n, f play t around d with e. c See t what z you can playfully extract from your vortex without trying, because you're not actually extracting it, you're just allowing it to be real. You're allowing yourself to be in a vibrational space where you can @ mysticaltruthscom. com. com reality of those things that exist that you here, now can't see maybe.
Rebecca:So, speaking of fun, I had a desire for an easier way to connect with you all and make teaching and coaching more accessible, because getting people together, especially for classes, on a scheduled date and time, is not fun these days, especially crossing time zones in time is not fun these days, especially crossing time . L . So in my vortex, I saw a solution that is in its gestation period and while that's being put together, would love your help. a t would k o me i at n rebecca at mysticaltruthscom and let me know what you would like to have here take part in, whether it's for this podcast or classes. If you're interested in online classes or group chat that you can take part in or listen in on or would a Facebook group be better Would you like an app that m om. com. com could go and get all of the access to these talks or classes? The group coaching, maybe Would you prefer individual intuitive life coaching?
Rebecca:And if you do like classes or courses, do you prefer a series of short videos or a course in one or two videos that you can pause and come back to until you finish? I'd like to put this together in a way that answers to what it is you're looking for. And marketing is not my thing If it's in my vortex, I've not seen it because it's just not my thing, and me telling myself makes it further away, but it's just not anything that I kind of. It's not my forte. So let me know how I can best show up for you and we'll make that happen as best I can, as best I will allow, and I want to thank you all for listening. I really appreciate you more than words can say. Until next time you can find me at mysticaltruthscom.