Mystical Truths Podcast

Aunt Ro is Back...from the Other Side

Rebecca Troup Season 3 Episode 20

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What if the signs from our departed loved ones are not just coincidences but  messages of love and guidance? Do we shift dimensions to experience them? Join us for an intriguing conversation with Kim, who shares the hopeful and miraculous story of her Aunt Ro. Initially given only hours to live, Aunt Ro defied expectations and lived 12 days, leaving behind a legacy of spiritual insights. We look at how she  continues to touch Kim's life symbolizing the enduring connections we have with those who have passed on.

Personal stories of synchronicity and unexpected encounters illustrate how life's randomness often holds deeper meanings. Aunt Ro’s wisdom on the transformative power of compassion within family dynamics is a reminder of the lasting influence of love and understanding.

Finally, we discuss the vibrational energy that shapes our experiences and how aligning with joy and inspiration enhances our journey. Embrace the unexpected, from spontaneous car purchases to seeing the world through an open-hearted lens. With reflections on the joy of life, inspired by Aunt Ro and other departed loved ones, this episode invites you to celebrate your connections and remain receptive to the universe's signs.


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for the music. Much appreciated!


Welcome to the Mystical Truths Podcast. This is Rebecca and I'm really glad you're here. Let's unlock your world. On March 21st of this year, I released a talk that I had with my guest, im, about how her Aunt Ro suddenly and unexpectedly ended up in hospice with a 10 to 48 hour window to live. It would be great if you go back and listen to that and then come and listen to this If you remember it. Wonderful Either way. This is going to be great even without that one, because I asked Kim to return today because Aunt Ro is back. Welcome, kim.


Hi, thank you.


I'm so glad that you followed your inspiration to email me to cue me in on what's been happening lately with Aunt Ro, because I think that this is exactly what people can relate to and it will actually help everybody to understand how we keep that connection going. How do we keep that relationship alive? Do we have to do it? Does it do it by itself? Do we have to connect dots? So Kim, when you let me know what's been happening, I thought,


Not only was that a really interesting story... and just to give people a little bit of the back backstory, Kim's Aunt Ro. She was a power of attorney for Aunt Ro and she suddenly ended up in hospice with 10 to 48 hours to live, and that left Kim sort of in a tailspin of trying to get all of her last wishes accomplished in 10 hours or less, and miraculously Kim made it through all of that and then Aunt Ro lived for 12 days, and so there was a lot that went on there. It's a really interesting story and most of all, what I like about it is when it was the 12th day and time for Aunt Ro to make her passing, everybody was perfectly placed. We connected so many dots, because we were able to look and see how well designed that all is. When you're in it, when you're living it, it's generally harder to see how perfectly orchestrated it all is. And we also took a look at how we torture ourselves through things like this because of what we think is happening to the other person and what we're experiencing.


The title of that episode, by the way, is Did I Make the Right Caregiving Decision? And, like I said, that was March of 2024. So if you want to grab that one and listen to it at some point, it really is so nice to see that, if we just step back from these things, we learn so much about life, about death, just by taking that broader view of what was really going on there. Did Kim make the right caregiving decisions? Is there such a thing as that being wrong? Can we make the wrong caregiving decisions, which we really can't. We explained in that episode that when death is going to be, we can't interfere with that process. It's going to be what it's going to be. It finds its beautiful, orchestrated way of happening, and the better we get about paying attention to it and understanding it, the easier it is for everybody, the person passing and all of us who are not at that point. So, is there anything you wanted to add to that, kim?


Kim: I think you summarized it very well, thanks. Rebecca: And so, Aunt Ro passed and gave us some signs after and there was so much information leading up to that point, and so now it's been how long since your Aunt Ro has passed? Kim: About four years. Rebecca: Okay. So do you think she's still paying attention? You think she's still part of your life?




And you know this because of some of the things that you've been experiencing here and there. Right, so you, you, like I said, I'm so glad you followed your inspiration, because that's what this is. They will inspire us to spread the word, to share. These are experiences that you had. You can relate, your husband can relate, but now, like we said before, Aunt Ro's story was rippling out there in so many great ways, and now it's going to do it again, like how amazing that Aunt Ro is back to teach us more and to show us more.


And it's so her personality to do that.


Yeah, see, it makes perfect sense, and so I think you started your email with how important anniversaries were to her and where that went for you lately.


Yeah, she would always like birthdays and anniversaries. She made it a point that you had to celebrate it and every birthday, every anniversary, you would get a phone call from her and she would sing happy birthday or she had to sing happy anniversary doing the happy birthday melody. But she never let one pass and there'd always be a card in the mail and she would always say you do something, especially for wedding anniversaries, because I think she just realized what a special gift it is to celebrate your wedding anniversary with your spouse because her husband had died when they were so young, so she was always like you guys do something special. You celebrate it.


So well, I'll back up, my husband and I, for our honeymoon, had gone to Hawaii and bought, as a trinket to bring back, they sell these roots of different types of plants that are in Hawaii and I bought one and brought it home and I planted it and I had it for 18 years and it never once bloomed. It was beautiful but it never bloomed. It was very healthy and it was very big. I mean it was like five feet tall, it was a bird of paradise but never once did I get a bloom on that plant. One year after she died. The day of my wedding anniversary, there were two big, beautiful orange blooms on that plant and I just know that was her way of celebrating and saying happy anniversary again.


Because otherwise we would be saying oh, what a coincidence, right? Isn't that funny how, just around your anniversary after she passes, and after all those years of having the plant, it blooms! And, I really want to point out that one thing I appreciate about you is that you pay attention and you see these things and you give them credit when they happen, and that's what I want other people to be able to see. This isn't work. This isn't hard, this isn't anything we have to grab for. It's there. Just pay attention and be willing to say it's not a burning bush, but it is pretty cool, because what are the chances?


Yeah, and once you're open to it, it's almost like you can't help but see it. Yeah, I mean it literally was the day of my anniversary. All of a sudden, these blooms appeared, big, beautiful orange blooms, just two, like one for each of us. It was, I remember my jaw dropped and I said to my husband oh my god, look at that.


Kim: And he even smiled and he was like, oh, Aunt Ro! Rebecca: And see, that could have happened any day and you wouldn't have connected the dots. I don't think quite as much as it happening on your anniversary, because she made a big deal out of dates like that.


So how clever of her. They're always so clever, but how clever of her to pick that day knowing that you two would see the connection. It seems subtle, but I think it's really important, it's really cool stuff. I think that we can learn to be with it right there when it happens, instead of going huh, well, that's interesting, I don't know. I mean, maybe that was her, it could be. And that's okay. It's not that they're upset when that happens if we don't connect the dots, but it's more fun when we do.


You could just be seen as oh, what a coincidence. Yeah, I mean, you could look at it that way, but you know it's more fun not to.


Even if it seems a little silly at first to think, okay, was it her? I think it was. I'm just going to believe it was her. Do that!, because when you do that, you start to open up more in yourself that is ready for more of that. So, even if it doesn't feel as real as you'd like it to be or, I'm saying this for everybody out there, then just play with it and just let another one happen, and let another one happen, and before too long you start to realize that this is really a thing that's happening.


And it may remain subtle because they're not wanting to remain too active in our lives here, because we're here to focus where we're at and there's a reason why we're here and they are no longer physical. So they will play with us and they will guide and entertain and all that kind of stuff, but they don't want to be too much a part of. I mean, we don't have to talk to them all day long, every day, and expect them to answer every.. you know sort of, I don't know, but they will answer every question. So I can't say that, because the other side, the all of the other side, it's not just one loved one when we have a question, when we want some guidance, it's being answered by a large number, we'll say and even these signs that you're getting from her are most likely more than just her, anyway, you know, but it's fun for us to connect it to one person that we knew here.


What do you mean by that? It's not just her.


Well, I think that there are so many souls that are aware of all of us and who are paying attention and guiding us that it tends to be a collective offering from the other side. We're not individual souls so much, like we think. When we're in a human body we feel very individual. When we're outside, when we're not focused through our physical body, we realize this divine connection that we all have and we don't have to consult with each other about. As in, Kim's asking a question or Kim could use a little high sign right now from us. Which one of us should do it. It's not a thought process like that, it's just a seeing, a knowing, a doing, a sharing. So, it's always more collective than we think it is. But, of course, they understand when we want to just pin it on one person. There are souls that you don't even remember right now that know you very well and know you better than you currently know yourself, because we have a very limited memory. They're all a part of that love that comes forward. That orchestration of the plant blossoming NOW. Is she like the main focal point of it? Probably, but they tell us sometimes, you're just not aware of how many of us are paying attention and how many of us are reveling in the guidance and the connecting of the dots that happen. So, we are very well tended to and when we think, well, you know, I have like maybe two, three, four people that I've known here who've passed, so I've got a few eyes on the other side. It's way more than that. It's just that you can identify more personally with those few because you knew them physically here and we don't have the memory of the others on purpose, because to remember all of that would be sort of an interference here. Just like I feel we don't remember past lives because we're hard enough on ourselves just remembering this past.


Can you imagine if you remembered all of your past, all the things that you thought were mistakes or screw ups, or maybe memories of people that now you're going to start missing because you knew them two lifetimes ago and they might not be incarnated with you right now? In this current life, we have lived a lot of lives just in this life, so to speak. Right, and we've been close with many people that we aren't anymore, whether they're alive or not. My children don't know my growing up people, friends, or my grandparents. They barely knew my mom and never knew my dad. He died when I was right out of high school. So I had that whole life. I've had friends and coworkers that I don't have now.


So we have all of these things, these different lives that we've lived, that we remember, and they tell us we usually don't accurately remember THIS past anyway. We sort of twist it in our minds often. So can you imagine if we remembered more than this life? We would do a twisty job with a lot of that and we'd be beating ourselves up for so much of it. And then something would trigger a memory, and then we'd be upset about that. I think we have enough in one lifetime to to focus on and to pay attention to, and it is nice to know, though, that we can still have this life and have the other side participate in it. You know, they've been a part of our history, and I don't think there's anything wrong with remembering a past life or regressing into a past life, but I think our main focus is right here and right now, because we're always living in the now, and that's a nother talk. So what? What happened after the the blossoming?


Well, I actually hadn't told anybody this story. I told my husband because I knew he would understand it, but then I didn't tell anybody because I thought they would think I'm nuts, but then you came out. Your last episode was talking about, you had an epiphany about different dimensions and, it was literally your last episode that you released and it prompted me.


I thought, okay, you know what? Because I was like I should tell Rebecca this, I should tell her? And I thought no. And then you released that episode and I thought, this is a sign I should tell her. So I had some free time, which is unusual, and it was quiet, and so I sat down and I typed it all out in an email so I could remember it all and I send it to you and it kind of it links through time, so to speak.


So many years ago, probably 15 years ago and let me just preface this, I'm going to be extremely vague on some stories because it's not my story to tell, I'm just telling how their story affected me. S o, I'm going to be vague in some areas. But about 15 years ago, a family member of mine had done something that was just, it was just they made a stupid choice and I was close to this family member and I knew this person knew better and I was so angry that they did this. We all make mistakes, but I think I was so close to this person and I just knew that they knew better, they knew what the consequences were and they made a dumb decision and I was so angry, I was furious, and so at the time she was my confidant, her and I would talk a lot. So I called her up and she was close to this family member too, and she was calm and she listened to me and I just vented to her and I was like how could this person be so stupid? How could they do this? Didn't they know what was going to happen? And I just went on and on and on and on.


I was so angry and she let me talk, and then I finally stopped and she goes did you get it all out? Do you feel better now? And I looked at her like I was like what do you mean? Like aren't you mad? And she goes well, I don't agree with what they did, but do you really think this person needs your anger right now? Do you think that that's what they could use, or do you think maybe they need your understanding and your love? She goes don't you think this person knows they screwed up. Don't you think that they're ashamed of what they did? And don't you think they're beating themselves up enough already? Do you really think they need you to do more? And she goes. I don't agree with them, but I'm going to love them and I'm going to support them through what's going to be coming in the future. And I was like, she completely deflated my anger. I was just annoyed because she was right. She was always right. But she's right, she was absolutely right.


And so it completely made me change the way I was looking at the situation and it completely made me rethink how I was going to move forward, because I hadn't talked to this family member yet. I talked to Aunt Ro first. It really, I learned a lot and it really probably saved the relationship I had with this family member too, that I didn't proceed with anger and instead I was a supportive person. In the end, everything worked out fine. I mean, this person had the consequences that they had to deal with from their decision, but in the end, it worked out fine. So that was a long time ago, so let's fast forward to present time.


Earlier in this year, a different family member from a different side of the family had done something that was not a good decision and was stupid.


I don't condone what they did in any way, shape or form and it was kind of shocking. And, of course, when the news broke, family members were calling and texting and it was going on all morning long and I just thought, instead of being angry, I just had so much compassion for this person and so much empathy and I felt bad for them. Again, I didn't condone what they did and I knew there were going to be consequences they were going to have to deal with. But instead of being angry and saying how stupid, they should have known better, I just said to the family members, I'm going to support this person and the immediate people in their lives because they really need the love and support right now, cause they had to be feeling pretty horrible and I thought, my God, I learned that. You know it. It kinda paralleled with what I had learned from Aunt Rosemary, like 15 years prior.


So this had gone on all morning. I was getting texts and phone calls and stuff, and so at lunchtime it was an absolutely beautiful day, and so I said, you know, I just need to get out, I'm going to take my dog for a walk, I'm going to shake it all off. So I got my dog and we're walking around the neighborhood and there was nobody out. It was so calm and so quiet and so peaceful and, of course, you know, it was in my mind, everything that was going on, and I just thought, well, I was very grateful to Aunt Rosemary for, showing me a different way to look at a very difficult situation. I was feeling very sorry for some of the family members, but I was feeling very compassionate and empathetic towards this particular person, and so all this was kind of going in my mind. And it was quiet, there was nobody in the neighborhood, and I was coming to the end of the block, to a four-way stop sign, and I turned the corner, turned to the left, and as I turned the corner, this bright, shiny SUV pulls up to the stop sign and the windows were down and the person was in the driver's side, they were leaning towards the passenger side where I was standing, and I had to back up.


I have to explain about my dog. My dog barks at everything and everyone like he's a nut, and especially if you look at him he freaks out and so and he's a big dog, he's like 90 pounds and he's either sniffing around or smelling something or he's barking at something. So, anyway, I turn the corner, this big, bright, shiny SUV pulls up, the window is down and the person leans across to the passenger side and they're waving emphatically and there's this big, huge smile and I swear to God, it was Aunt Ro. It was her looking at me, smiling and waving her hand, and I was stunned, I was dumbfounded and I swear to God, it was Aunt Ro. And I just stared and I was like, oh my God. And I was so happy for her.


Because the one thing I don't know if I had mentioned about Aunt Ro before is she had a Toyota Corolla and it was like 25 years old and she just kept it running because she couldn't afford another vehicle.


And it was beat up and it was sunworn and it was just this, rackety old car. And so here I see her in this big, beautiful, shiny SUV and I was so happy for her. I'm like, oh my gosh, she got a new vehicle. I just felt so happy that she was so happy, and I didn't even blink my eyes and I was staring at her and all of a sudden her face just morphed and she turned into my neighbor who lives several blocks away, and I was confused and she was smiling and she looked at my dog who happened to be just standing next to me, not sniffing the stop sign post, not barking at her, nothing. He was just standing next to me, looking at her and she called him by name and she said hi to him and then she just drove off and I just felt like there was a glitch in the matrix.


I felt like there was a dimensional shift for a brief moment of time. It was just the weirdest feeling. It was so strange and the fact that my dog acted so calm and quiet and just stood there and looked at her and I'm like, come on, let's go. And that's when he went over and started sniffing the stop sign pole. It was just a really weird thing. And so I came home and I told my husband I swear to God I saw Aunt Ro today. I swear I did. But, like I said, I had her in my mind all morning and I had a whole bunch of jumbled things in my mind. I'm like, well, maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, I don't know, or maybe it really was her saying hi, I don't know. So kind of put that aside.


So then, a few months later, we're coming up on my anniversary again and my husband really wanted to go to the lake for a couple of days to celebrate our anniversary. So he puts it together and we're getting ready to leave and my car's engine light goes on, and so we take it to the mechanic and we're like, go ahead and work on it. We're going to be away for a few days and so we go up to the lake and on our anniversary we get a call from the mechanic and the cost was way more than what it was worth. It was a 12-year-old car with 147,000 miles on it. It wasn't worth it to put the money in to fix what it needed. So we were like, okay, fine, we're just going to enjoy our anniversary, we're not going to worry about it. We don't even have to replace the car very soon because I work from home and we have my husband's truck it. It's no big deal.


We came home and later that week we had some time and we were driving. I said, hey, let's just take a look and see what's out there. I'm in no rush to get a car, let's just see what's out there, I'll get an idea. I really like my old car. It was an Acura. We bought it used and I said let's go to the used Acura dealership to just see what they have. Give them our name, If something comes in that we might like they can give us a call.


So my husband's driving and he pulls into what he thought was the used Acura dealership. And so we get out and we start walking around and we're looking at the vehicles. Turns out he didn't pull into the used Acura dealership at all. He pulled into the used Honda dealership, which is similar, but they're not the same. I'm looking at these different cars and the salesman comes over and he wasn't pushy or anything. But we start talking and I'm telling him, here's my budget, here's what I'm looking for. I'm in no rush. If you happen to get something in, let me know. You know the whole thing. And in the meantime my husband's walking around looking at vehicles and he comes over. He's like hey, Kim, take a look at this. So I take a look at this car and it was in my budget. It had everything I was looking for, it was perfect.


And, long story short, I bought a car that day and I had no intentions of buying a car, absolutely none. It was a used vehicle, it had a couple of scratches on it and they said we'll take care of the scratches. It was even dirty. It was a lease that someone had turned in. It was just turned in and so he's like, come back in a few days and we'll have it clean, we'll take care of everything. So I said, okay. Later that day we're walking my dog around the neighborhood again and I'm like I can't believe it. I've never bought a car that fast.


I've never. And it wasn't even the car I wanted. It wasn't even the place I wanted to be. He just happened to be there and the guy wasn't pushing it. He was just like, oh, this is everything you said, just went down your checklist. This fits it. And I'm like I can't believe it.


I research cars, I look at all these different places, I try to get the best deal.


So I'm just walking with my husband, we're walking our dog around the neighborhood and without realizing it, we start walking past my neighbor's house.


The neighbor I had seen that day and we had walked past her house before, but her car had always been in the garage, it was never in the driveway and I had not seen her since that day and we just happened to turn the corner, we walked past her house and her car is in the driveway. It's the same car I just bought, different color, but the same car I just bought and I was like, oh my God, and my husband starts laughing. He's like holy crap. Because I was like that's the car I saw and it was just so funny. So then later that week we had gone to pick up my new car and in the lot and there was this orange butterfly that kept flying around the car. Now, you know, could it all be a coincidence?


I don't know, but it just all seemed very easy, it just all fell in place and I forgot to mention when we were up at the lake the day of our anniversary, there was an orange butterfly that kept following us as we were walking on the lakeside.


So you see how, SEE how this is! Isn't that fun? And it is easy for us to go, especially after the fact. Well, I don't know, maybe it was just my mind playing tricks, but it's, it's not uncommon. Actually, she was on your mind, you were in appreciation, you were in love and trying to at least have some sort of kind feelings for somebody that was going through something difficult.


And you know what, in this is life, none of us screw up, but we can put that word on it. We make decisions that are not the best. We make decisions that other people are not going to agree with. We came here to bang around and do the best we can with what's in us at every given moment, and that's always changing. And so isn't it funny how people are so quick to judge somebody else and say, well, that was really wrong. And now I'm mad because you did something that I didn't want you to do.


And your aunt Ro was very wise to see people from the eyes of source. Because that's what that is, when you can back up and see people from a broader perspective and say I love you, no matter what. I don't have to like what you did. I don't have to agree with it. Now, source doesn't disagree with anything that we do here, because they literally see the bigger picture.


But when we can say we are all banging around here doing the best we can with what's in us in this moment, and that is so different from a moment a day ago, tomorrow, because we can look at people and say, hey, you did know better, that wasn't your best. Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time for them. It was their best in just that split moment. And so and these are the things that we came to expand from, to learn, to dig deep, even. So none of it is wrong, It is source saying I love you still, and I know that me being angry or me being disappointed in you will not help you, it will only hurt you, always.


Yeah, she used to always say when you love somebody, you have to love all of them the good, the bad, the ugly.


Yeah, and she taught that wisdom to you. You retained it for a long time and quickly put it right back into use, right when something similar came up all those years later and then you got yourself in a nice place with it. So here you are having a nice walk with your dog, beautiful day, nice and calm. Of course, that is a perfect time for her to impose her image of who she was here over somebody else. So you were in a relaxed state where you could see that, and she took the little crack of least resistance there to get through and deliver something to you. That was sort of like a burning bush. Those moments that we don't get that often, that are so profound and so, just in our face, obvious, but they are short lived.


Yeah it was seconds, and we like to string it out, make it last longer so that I have more reason to believe it. But this is just the way it is. They're not going to come in and do tricks for us and they're not going to come in and try to convince us of anything, but they will give us those glimpses of... See, I'm right here, I see you, I feel you, I appreciate what you're doing right now. And how your wisdom is shining now, because other people are going to learn from that, not not just in your family, but through this podcast. Now. Even so, just like we talked last episode about how this ripples out what she did, how she did it, what you did it, it just ripples out. And here we go again. Right, this is going to ripple out. This is going to cause some people to think, oh yeah, maybe that is a better way to to go about a situation like that, and maybe, if I stay in a really nice place, not all the time, this is a world of contrast. We're not going to stay in a happy, sweet sort of sunshine and roses place all of the time. But when we can take ourselves there on purpose especially, we're more apt to have those experiences that just touch our heart.


Because they didn't know what they were doing, they just knew that they were inspired. Something in them just had to lean and wave. And your dog did what was very calm, just sit there, didn't do its usual thing. It's typical, usual thing, because animals are, you know, they can tune, they're in tune. It's not like they're in tune, It's not like they have to do it, they're in tune. So it's easy for your dog to realize that oh, this is a whole different energy right here.


And just respond to the energy that it was or that it is in that, in that situation, in that moment, and which is more data for you, right, that's more information.


Kim: Isn't that odd that my dog didn't do what it always does, right? And so I swear I see her. And isn't it amazing that I see her, and it feels good that she's in a nice, shiny vehicle that she didn't have when she was here.


Rebecca: It was her way of saying not only Hi, but pay attention, because I have something really nice I'm going to help you line up with. And not just her, all of those who guide you, right? Like I said, it's a collective thing. They know what's in your what's on your list, what's in your likes category, right? They knew that this person could synchronistically drive down the street just at that perfect time where you and your dog were, right there..


You saw the SUV. You saw Aunt Ro went about your business. Something happens to your vehicle. You need a new one. You just happen to go into the wrong lot and your husband just happens to see a vehicle that is perfect for you, that is a match for the one that you saw Aunt Ro in. How does it get any better than that? I mean, the only way it gets better than that is if Aunt Ro stands there and materializes in front of you, right?


If she sells the car to me.


Gives you the lottery number so you can pay for it. No, I'm just kidding.


They don't do those tricks either.


But, how di vine is that, and this is what I want people to see. This isn't difficult, and we don't have to look for big, dramatic conversations with them. We should be aware of how they're still blending into our world, but they're not inserting themselves into our world. They're just blended and paying attention, very happily paying attention and helping us synchronize with what we want, if we're in an easy enough place to see it. You know, if you had remained disgruntled or maybe for a while thought, yeah, I should think like Aunt Ro, oh no, I can't, I'm just pissed, then you would have never had that experience. You'd have been walking your dog, you would have missed the SUV, the whole thing just wouldn't have played out that way, and Lord knows what vehicle you'd be in right now. LOL Might not be anything like you have now and another point is that we don't have to work hard for the stuff that we want. We've been taught we have to work hard.


Like you said, I have to do my research, like typically, if I'm going to buy a vehicle, I'm doing my research, I'm looking to see what's out there, what you know, what the ratings are on these things, what people have been buying, what works out for them? Is the engine good enough? Are people having problems with it? That's a lot of work when, instead, we can just pay attention to the other side. That says, oh, look at this. And then inspires your husband to turn into the wrong lot and inspires him to walk over to a vehicle that they've made all nice and shiny vibrationally to him, so you just can't resist it. And then he shows it to you. And then eventually you connect the dots of the butterflies. The first time you saw the butterfly you probably thought, oh, that's really cute, that's nice, but it really didn't mean too much, right? Until you saw the butterfly going around the car. And that's when we connect those dots and go huh, there it is it is, so easy.


I've never bought a car so easy and so fast in my entire life. It was just literally fell in my lap and I wasn't expecting to buy a car. I had no intentions two weeks earlier that I was going to get a car. The one I had was fine. And then, all of a sudden, the engine was no good.


to get something, and it was just as much surprising to me that I bought the car as quickly and as easily as I did as it was. When when saw Aunt Ro driving the SUV up the street, I was in shock. It's like, confused. It's almost like by the time your brain catches up to what's happening, it's over because your guard's back up. My guard wasn't up when it happened.


Bingo, there's the key. Yep, that's that crack of least resistance, right, we're not resistant in that moment, we're just being. We're just being, and so it easily happens. It's happening anyway, but we miss it when we're being resistant. It's not that these things aren't synchronizing up around us all of the time. Back to the dimensional idea. Right, it's like being in different spaces, dimensions or frequencies, however you want to think of it, and you just can't see the things that are there, just right there, but you can't see them because you're vibrationally not lined up with that.


two or three. Second experience that I had when I was reading that quote and I not only felt, second got a visual of me. I can't even find the words to describe it, got a visual of me. of me, find the words to describe it. It's like or something like that. It really felt like a dimensional shift, and I'm sure it was, and so that was more real than any that I've had before. It was just I could feel, see, sense, whatever, my whole not my body, necessarily from one state of being to a different state whole, being and what that necessarily, means, because when that happens nothing else around you really changes. Right now that you can see. That's really interesting to think about. The room I'm in looks the same, the people around me look the same, but I'm vibrationally different. Now I'm in a different state of being, which is a different state of attraction too, but I'm in a different state of what I see now, what I sync up with now. We're always seeing and syncing up with things. It just depends on which vibrational state of being we're in. Are we in a vibrational state of being, of unexpecting what we want or expecting things to not work out, or expecting this to be difficult. Then there we are.


If you're in that state of being, you're going to get what's in that state. It's like shopping on two different levels of a department store. You know, if there are four levels to this department store and you really want brand new furniture and you go to a floor where there's used furniture, you can stand there and complain all day that it's not new." I'm not looking for refurbished furniture and what's wrong with my life that I can't have new furniture? I know other people do. You can argue that point all day long, but the new furniture is not going to be on that level. It's not going to be on that floor. So what do you need to do? You need to change levels. You need to go to a different floor in the department store where the new furniture exists and let the people that want to refurbish beautiful furniture be on that other floor. None of the floors are wrong. They're just different, very different. Some are very uncomfortable, some are very comfortable.


And like we said in the last episode, when we're going through the soon to be death of somebody, there's nothing scary or freaky or wrong about it. So you know, when we are in that mode it's really up to us whether we make it very difficult or very full of ease. You know, and back in that previous episode with your aunt, it was just your sheer desire to fill every like wish on her list, everything that she wanted done before she passed, and you felt pressured in 10 hours to maybe 48, which is a big difference, to get all of the people in and get the priest in, and there was no priest to be found and you know all that. So it it fell together beautifully, but it stressed you out.


Kim: Yeah, totally.


Rebecca: But now, with what you know, if you go through an experience like that again, this is going to be like what Aunt Ro taught you about how to deal with somebody that just made a what we call a bad decision. Now, when we go through it the next time we think okay, wait a minute. Everything is always working out, and it works out so much more smoothly and comfortably to us if we relax and just say, okay, this will, everything will find its place. I will find a priest, or it will find me, he will find me. But you found what a priest..


Kim: A priest, a minister and a pastor.


Rebecca: Except you didn't get the Pope, which she made a joke about that. LOL so


. w


Not only did you find one, but you found three different people to come and help her and make her feel more comfortable, and she did get her last rites and all that. So it's just you know how beautiful. So, and you know, just to help anybody remember that, listen to that episode. When she actually passed, you were at home, relaxed, because you'd been so stressed out right where you needed to be watching a movie that was about rosary, and she was about rosaries, and your husband, who was the probably easiest one to be with her, the calmest, was with her, and your brother was at a diner where he and Aunt Ro would frequent. Everybody was perfectly in place and she let go.


Yeah, yeah, that's exactly how it happened S h t p o?.


Every death is very intelligently and finely synchronized and finally synchronized. It's just that it often happens in ways that we wouldn't have picked consciously or figured out or expected or you know. But it is what it is. And I say to people all the time see what I mean. See what I mean, because somebody will die and I'll say, see how that person was going to die today, cause what are the I mean? Look at that. How can you deny it was that person's day to die? You know so, even with with animals, it's the same. And I think it's fun for us to look at how that plays itself out so that we can find more ease in it and then do what we're doing today Watch how the conversation continues, how the relationship has the opportunity if we want to continue. In often subtle ways, although seeing her in that SUV wasn't so much subtle, I think that was a little more than subtle.


That was almost a slap in the face again, like she did with me the first time she said you know, you really think this person needs your anger. I was like it just stopped me in my tracks. Seeing her in the SUV just stopped me in my tracks.


I was like she has a knack for doing that, you know.


Rebecca: A nd she did in that last episode, didn't she Remember? There was something went wrong with the equipment or whatever and we had to stop.


Kim: Oh yeah, she stopped the equipment or and we had to stop. Yeah, well, actually, I wanted to point out to you I think this is pretty funny. You probably didn't realize it.


We had originally scheduled to do this Monday, right, and then I wasn't feeling good, I was feeling a little bit, I just wasn't feeling it and I had contemplated a few times of contacting you and asking you if we could reschedule and I thought, no, no, we, you know, both of our schedules are busy. I'll just push through, I'll go with it. And then later that afternoon you had contacted me and said hey, can we reschedule because you were having equipment issues again. So we reschedule for today. Today is the day after Halloween. You know, Aunt Ro was very Catholic. She followed the Catholic religion. Today is All Saints Day in the Catholic world. I just thought that was funny. We rescheduled to a day where she would be in church today going to mass, and you know, yesterday was Halloween. You know, the veil is supposed to be the thinnest at this time of the year.


Yeah, because they make a point with this stuff. And it's not even that they necessarily agree with our religious ideas here. It's just that they know how we can connect the dots. And it's funny because normally I would have powered through that and I would have found a way to make that work so that we could have kept our time, but I just felt like, no, it'll just be better, and that's guidance, that's what you do, you pay attention to. It just feels like we should reschedule. And then it ended up you had been getting the same thing. So you see how, and it's just so funny because when the episode was interrupted that first time, that was at a tender moment for you, so it gave you time to kind of, regroup.


Yeah, and then when I recorded that little insert to put in there to explain to everybody what had just happened, I said something like okay, let's get back into the episode, then I noticed something else with the timing and, remember, I texted you about that, which made sense. So, I put another insert into the episode that I was like, okay, now we're really going to go back, but I wanted people to understand why we went from a very tender moment to a more conversational moment. It's just so much fun when we just have fun with it. I mean, that's what they tell us. That's why my one of my favorite sayings is Isn't Fun the Best Thing to Have?


I saw that in that movie Arthur, he was like a drunken rich man. Remember he was, yeah, yeah, Liza Minnelli. I think was his girlfriend in it.


I love the song from that movie. I just listened to it last week.


I always loved that movie and his character I just thought was so funny. And at some point in the early part of the movie he says in a drunken state, " isn't fun, the best thing to have, but I'm taking that with me. I love that. That is so true.


An artist friend of mine put it on a plaque for me. I'm looking at it on my bookshelf right now. It's in my signature for my Mystical Truths emails. That's just been my thing, is like isn't fun the best thing to have? People can say, well, isn't this blank the best thing to have? But it's all fun. Isn't love the best thing? Well, that's fun. Isn't family the best thing to have? Well, that's fun. It all comes back to fun and they do tell us often from the other side, you're all taking this life too seriously. Lighten up, have more fun and then there will be more fun to be had. It'll just synchronize up and we can have fun with them. Just like, I know I've probably told this story in a different episode where my mother, a few years or so after she passed, I had some rotisserie chicken and I thought, you know I should, I want to do something with this chicken and I just had this thought oh, mom's chicken salad was so good, so I start breaking up the chicken and I got some mayonnaise and I thought, oh, yeah, I have grapes.


And I went and got the grapes and I thought, oh, I do have raisins. She put raisins in there, that's right. A nd so I realized like, oh, mom, I could sense her. She was saying you have apples, but apples in there, you have walnuts. And I'm like, yes, I do have walnuts. So I went and got the walnuts. It was the best chicken salad I ever made, and so it's just fun, because the inspirations or the good ideas, the bright ideas that we get, are generally not coming from our brain. They're not generated from our thought process, they're shared. Not that we're not smart, we do have good ideas, but we are that connected and it's that much of a blend that, no matter who you are, it's happening, because it can't not happen. We're all one.


The world would be a better place if we could have more fun.


Yeah, and it's our choice. That's the good news. It's literally our decision. It's our choice whether we have fun or not. So the next time somebody is going into the another dreaded meeting that they don't want to go to, it's the choice before you go there. That's why I teach about pre-paving or pre-programming, and that's an Abraham thing from the Abraham teachings, is that you can program it ahead of time because you're pre-programming anyway. "This is going to be another one of those meetings and then it's going to be another one. Or you can just say you know what, I don't know, maybe we'll get a better version of people today. I think I'll just have fun with this today. I mean, not enough fun that I get fired, but enough fun that I can actually enjoy it. So, anyway, that was really. I mean, I just love how the other side is so sweetly gently available and we can pick up on that. We can be an easy cooperative component. They call it an easy cooperative component to how life works. So wonderful.


Yeah, I hope that she, I think she's probably happy I realized, you know, I mean she was like waving her hand so fast, so hopefully she realized, like oh good, Kim got it.


Oh yeah, she realizes. I mean, she's right there, she's in the moment, how could she not? And they know how much we love them. They know that it's really great when we don't miss them, because there's no reason to miss them. They don't miss us. Of course it's easier for them LOL. They see the bigger picture right, they see it all. But for us we don't have to miss them. We certainly can, but we don't have to miss them because we can continue with them. Of course we may say, well, I kind of miss the physical part of them being here and going out to lunch, to the diner. But this is life. Things change. It doesn't always remain the same, it shouldn't.


We wouldn't grow if it did.


That's exactly right. That's what we came here for, yeah. So thanks again, kim. I appreciate it.


:Kim: You're welcome.


Rebecca: Keep us posted on Aunt Ro as she continues to unfold in your life. I'm sure that'll be fun. I will.


Rebecca: A nd to all of you out there, it was a pleasure, and you can find me





